Annual Council 2000--"United by the Word of God"

Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Bettina Krause
Annual Council 2000--"United by the Word of God"

The need to sustain growth, nurture church members, and streamline the use of resources in light of the rapid growth in church membership in many areas of the world were recurring themes

The need to sustain growth, nurture church members, and streamline the use of resources in light of the rapid growth in church membership in many areas of the world were recurring themes at Annual Council 2000.  The meetings, running from September 26 to October 1, brought together an international decision-making body comprised of some 260 Seventh-day Adventist Church administrators, pastors and laypeople.

Reports to the council focused on the challenges and opportunities created as the Adventist Church has increased in size over the past decade. A number of major new initiatives voted at Annual Council—such as a new leadership training initiative and the establishment of a higher education commission—were, in part, direct responses to the needs created by this unprecedented growth. (See news stories below.)

In his keynote address to Annual Council members on September 26, Pastor Jan Paulsen, president of the Adventist Church worldwide, said the impact of this church growth was one of the most important issues facing the Adventist Church. (See ANN’s news report on Paulsen’s address in the September 26 ANN Bulletin. For a Real Audio recording or a transcript of Paulsen’s speech, go to

Pastor Matthew Bediako, secretary of the church’s General Conference, reported the latest growth statistics to Annual Council on September 27, saying that membership of the Adventist Church had increased to more than 11.3 million as of June 30, 2000, representing an average growth rate of 3,176 new members each day. 

Bediako reminded committee members of another, related issue also identified by Paulsen in his Annual Council address—the need for the worldwide church to be unified in mission.

“This quinquennium, unity will be our first priority,” said Bediako. “We will talk about it, work for it, and pray for it.”  Daily devotionals presented at Annual Council focused on the chosen theme for the meetings—“United by the Word of God.” (Real Audio recordings of each day’s devotional message are available at

The General Conference Executive Committee, which convenes at Annual Council, is made up of church administrators, pastors and laypeople representing each of the 12 administrative regions (or divisions) of the Adventist Church worldwide. It is the highest decision-making body of the church, apart from the General Conference in session, which is a larger international body of church representatives convened every five years.  The most recent General Conference Session met this year in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, from June 29 to July 8.

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