ANN releases smartphone apps

ANN releases smartphone apps

Silver Spring, Maryland, United States | ANN staff

News, photos, Commentaries free on iPhone, Android

Adventist News Network content is now available as an app for the iPhone and Android operating systems.

The newly released apps include news, photos and opinion commentaries as they are published. The apps also offer the ANN Styleguide and Glossary, which explains the rationale behind corporate news for a worldwide Christian denomination.

"Regular communication can help keep members and leaders worldwide better connected with each other as well as enhance the church's corporate transparency to its members and the public," said Ansel Oliver, the Seventh-day Adventist Church's assistant Communication director for news.

The app was produced by Simple Updates, a Michigan-based developer, and is available in the iPhone App Store and the Android Market.

Users may also contact the editor or submit photos and story suggestions on the ANN website at