ANN in 2023: Looking Forward

A foresight of what is to come for the official news source of the Adventist Church

United States

Angelica Sanchez, ANN


The year 2022 was an exciting one for ANN. Throughout the year, God’s great and marvelous work in His church has been evident. From baptism stories and I Will Go initiatives to business meetings and humanitarian relief efforts, ANN has been honored to report, celebrate, and raise awareness alongside the World Church.

This year was also filled with numerous accomplishments for ANN. The 61st General Conference (GC) Session experienced broader-than-ever media coverage for the first time in Adventist history. Despite pandemic restrictions and a reduced session schedule, ANN was able to broadcast the week-long event live and report on daily business through ANN Video and ANN Late Nite-ish. Nearly 3,800 posts and over a dozen articles allowed the church’s online platforms to reach over 22 million people during GC Session.

Digital communication was critical to the success of the 2022 GC Session, leading ANN to strategically cover all business sessions, worship programming, and special reports in four major languages, allowing for a large portion of the World Church to follow these important meetings in their native languages. ANN continues to produce content in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese for all to enjoy and share.

As the new year approaches, ANN has more encouraging and inspirational content to highlight and will continue to feature important news stories from the church family.

ANN Articles

ANN features many important news stories, keeping the World Church informed about happenings across the globe. In 2023, ANN will begin featuring hundreds of new articles highlighting how GC departments, initiatives, and other Adventist services, organizations, and corporations work to move the mission of the church forward. We will also publish news stories from the church’s 13 divisions and four attached fields, and of course, remarkable baptism and evangelism stories as well.


Unfortunately, articles can’t always get to the heart of every news story. Readers are sometimes left with questions. ANN+ will allow viewers to get an inside view into the reality many churches and church members experience in their local contexts. This series will be an exciting journey into the conditions, circumstances, and factors that impact the evangelistic work and lives of our World Church family.

ANN In-Depth

ANN does not only cover news. In 2023, ANN In-Depth will relaunch as a new video podcast to tackle challenging topics. This weekly series wrestles with difficult questions and comes to biblical conclusions to help listeners grow in their walk with Christ and others.

ANN Profiles

Everyone has a story worth sharing. ANN Profiles will feature inspiring life journeys of over 150 members of the GC Leadership Council. In this video podcast series, guests will open up about the milestones and challenges they have experienced as church leaders. It promises to be heartwarming and educational—meant to mentor the church’s future leaders while inspiring every listener of today.

ANN Newsletter

Starting in 2023, ANN fans can get Adventist news straight to their email by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. This newsletter will contain several of ANN’s top stories and the latest episodes from ANN In-Depth, ANN Profiles, and ANN Video. ANN will also continue to produce written and media content in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese, making it possible to share with friends and family.

In 2023, ANN is committed to continue sharing what God is doing through His church. May ANN leave you filled with hope and inspired to share the good news of how He is working through His church in these final days. From ANN, your official Adventist news source, may God’s richest blessings be upon you and your family as you welcome this new year.

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