Adventists in North America Oppose Medical Marijuana Use in Maryland

Adventists in North America Oppose Medical Marijuana Use in Maryland

Silver Spring, Maryland, United States | George Johnson/ANN Staff

True to their convictions about a healthy lifestyle absent of alcohol, tobacco and drug use, Seventh-day Adventists in North America were among many who opposed the United States Senate bill May 22 signed by Maryland state governor Robert Ehrlich that red

True to their convictions about a healthy lifestyle absent of alcohol, tobacco and drug use, Seventh-day Adventists in North America were among many who opposed the United States Senate bill May 22 signed by Maryland state governor Robert Ehrlich that reduces the penalty of using marijuana for medical purposes.

Though the bill does not legalize marijuana use, it does allow for medical use to be an “affirmative defense” to criminal marijuana charges. The penalty is reduced to a maximum of $100 with no jail time—if defendants can prove they are using it for medicinal purposes.

“Smoking is not an effective means for administering medicinal doses,” says Dr. DeWitt Williams, director of health ministries for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. “If medicinal marijuana usage is going to be approved, it will definitely open the door for people who want to use it recreationally. And you don’t want to do that because then it will be abused.”

Supporters of the bill say that it will help patients who are suffering from illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease and nausea.

But there is no scientific proof that using marijuana for medical purposes is safe, say opponents. Marijuana smoke has been proven to contain harmful chemicals that adversely affect all body systems, from the brain and the immune system, to the lungs and the reproductive system.

Adventists joined members of the United States Congress, professionals in the medical field and service organizations, and citizens of Maryland in expressing their concerns about the proposed bill through phone calls, faxes and e-mails to the governor. Maryland is the ninth state to pass such a law.

The Adventist Church’s North American Division, as well as the world headquarters, are both located in Silver Spring, Maryland.