South American Division

Adventists Churches Assist Families Affected by Heavy Rains in Brazil

Intense rain in the south of Espírito Santo, Brazil, has left four municipalities in an emergency situation.


Gabriela Porto
ADRA has collected 10 tons of food and cleaning products, 5,000 liters of water, and 80 kg of clothing in Espírito Santo, Brazil. [Photo: Davner Ribeiro]

ADRA has collected 10 tons of food and cleaning products, 5,000 liters of water, and 80 kg of clothing in Espírito Santo, Brazil. [Photo: Davner Ribeiro]

The cities of Alegre, Apiacá, Guaçuím and Mimoso do Sul in Brazil entered a state of alert, following the heavy rains around mid-March 2024. The tragedy in the south of the state of Espírito Santo has already left at least 20 dead, three missing and more than 19,600 people displaced, seeking shelter in the homes of family or friends. The state government declared an emergency situation.

Empathy and Solidarity

To help the affected families, the Adventist Churches in the region mobilized campaigns to collect food, water, and hygiene and cleaning materials for the victims. ADRA (the Adventist Development and Relief Agency) partnered with Pathfinders clubs and Adventist Education to collect 10 tons of food and cleaning products. ADRA is the humanitarian Agency of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is present in more than 110 countries. In Brazil, there are 18 regions that serve all Brazilian states in tragedies, public calamities, and social projects.

“The situation demands immediate action and we have been working tirelessly to ensure that aid reaches those who really need it. It's a race against time. Each donation can be a turning point in the life of someone facing the most difficult days of life”, highlights Clairton Oliveira, the leader of the ADRA Espírito Santo.

Through the assistance of ADRA and Adventist churches in Espírito Santo, 133 liters of bleach, 80 packets of toilet paper, 128 packets of sanitary pads, seven packets of diapers, 150 packets of biscuits, 90 liters of oil, and 150 soaps were also collected. As a result, kits were assembled and have been delivered since March 23, 2024.

The original article was published on the South American Division Portuguese website.

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