On December 29, 2024, a Jeju Air flight traveling from Bangkok, Thailand, to the Muan International Airport in South Korea tragically crashed during its final approach, resulting in the loss of 179 lives. Among the victims were members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as well as those with ties to a local Adventist school.
Impact on the Adventist Church
The Adventist Church in South Korea has been deeply impacted by the loss of these faithful members and students connected to its ministry. A man was returning from Thailand with his parents, as well as a newly baptized Adventist church member who had been on a business trip.
Two students from a local Adventist middle school and their parents were also on the flight. While not members of the Adventist Church, the impact on the school and its members is deeply felt across their local community.
The Southwest Korean Conference branch of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency and Pathfinder clubs from across the conference are there helping families, government workers, and volunteers. Roughly 80 people from 20 churches have been helping at the Muan Airport.
Soon Gi Kang, president of the Korean Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, shared a message of comfort and hope, calling on members to pray for the bereaved families and the broader community as they mourn.
Statement from the Korean Adventist Church President
The Seventh-day Adventist Church expresses its deepest sorrow and sympathy as we hear of the tragic news of the loss of many lives in the crash of Jeju Air Flight 7C2216 at Muan International Airport on December 29, 2024.
In particular, I cannot help but feel deep sorrow and grief at the news that members of the Adventist Church and students of Sahmyook School were killed in this accident.
We fervently pray for the comfort and peace of heaven for the bereaved families and friends who have lost their loved ones and friends in this tragedy, and for all those who have been deeply hurt.
In this tragic situation, I pray that God grants special comfort and peace to the hearts of the bereaved families and victims, and that God's wisdom and power be with those who are dedicated to accident recovery and relief activities. I also pray that all those who are deeply saddened by this accident will be comforted in God's love and that their wounds will be healed through the hope of heaven.
In addition, we ask all believers across the country to pray for us regarding this accident as follows:
So that the bereaved families and victims who have lost their loved ones in accidents can experience God’s comfort and peace.
The cause of the accident must be thoroughly investigated to prevent the same tragedy from happening again.
So that the government and relevant authorities can use this accident as an opportunity to further strengthen the safety of the people.
The Korean Adventist Church is with all those who suffered from this accident and prays earnestly that such a tragedy will never happen again. May God’s comfort and peace be with the hearts of all who were hurt.
December 30, 2024
Soon Gi Kang, President of the Korean Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church
Adventist Church Called to Prayer by President Ted Wilson
The Adventist Church worldwide is called to unite in prayer for the victims, their families, and the entire Korean Adventist community. On December 31, 2024, Ted N. C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, released a statement of sympathy to the families and a call to prayer for every member of the Adventist Community.
The Adventist Church in South Korea has been deeply impacted by this terrible loss of life, and we extend our heartfelt condolences and Christian love to the Adventist families and other families who have lost loved ones in this tragic crash. May the Comforter come especially close to you right now as we look forward to Christ’s soon coming.
As we mourn with our brothers and sisters in Korea, I invite our worldwide Church family to lift up in prayer all who have suffered this incredible loss, and that the Lord will strengthen the hands of those who are even now reaching out to minister to those who are going through this very dark time. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Ted N. C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church