The students from Planaltina Adventist School held a campaign to collect food for needy families and institutions. The Easter Mutirão (“joint effort”) involved the whole school and counted on the participation of family members and also Adventist Solidarity Action (ASA).
The Easter Cantata, held by the school, also had the objective of helping people, and during the event, the organizers received several donations.

Students and collaborators came together to bring relief to families in some degree of vulnerability and social institutions. A total of 2.5 tons of food was collected, organized, and distributed to 56 families and two recovery homes.
Easter Mutirão
Hugo Oliveira, chaplain of the school unit, explained that the goal for the collection was 500 kilograms of food. However, they were surprised by the mobilization of all the students and collaborators. "We are very grateful, we received many kilos of donations. To you, parents, students, collaborators: thank you very much for your involvement," Oliveira said in thankfulness.

"The purpose of the Easter Mutirão is to collect food. This year, we invited parents, students, employees, and collaborators to our Easter Cantata, when everyone could participate by delivering and donating food," explained Oliveira.
Multiplying a Donation
Student Daiane Terezinha highlighted the importance of helping whenever possible: "Even if you think you are doing little, the little you do, when you put it in God's hand, can become a lot and can help many people."

Terezinha further stressed, "If everything is in His hands, you just have to trust. He will multiply; He already multiplied the bread once; if necessary, He will do it again."
About the experience of collecting and going out to the streets to donate them, Terezinha said it was interesting to participate and see people's smiles and gratitude. "Every time we help someone, we feel more complete. It is a really nice experience. If even our Jesus came to serve in this world, why wouldn't we serve our neighbor? This is our function, to help our neighbor."

Donating Makes a Difference
Maria de Jesus was one of the people who received the food basket and also the book The Great Controversy. "I think this availability is very good. Nowadays it is not everyone who unites at this moment that we are going through is difficult. This union, this concern for others, is very nice," she said.
The donations were collected by the students during several weeks. The food was separated so each family and institution would receive basic food items to meet some of their needs.
The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Portuguese-language news site.