South American Division

Adventist Restaurant Offers Free Wellness Workshops in Chilean Community

One of Infusion Hope's key objectives is to plant a new Adventist Church.

Nicolas Acosta, South American Division, and ANN Staff
Community of Valdivia attending the workshop.

Community of Valdivia attending the workshop.

[Photo: Nicolás Acosta]

The Adventist Church in southern Chile has planned a series of workshops to attract the attention of the local community and establish an Adventist presence in the city of Valdivia, in the Isla Teja sector. To do so, they are using an Adventist restaurant as a means.

Infusion Hope's primary focus is to promote a healthy lifestyle through a variety of activities and workshops.

Missionary Restaurant

Infusion Hope Restaurant Valdivia, Teja Island.
Infusion Hope Restaurant Valdivia, Teja Island.

One of the key elements of this project is the vegetarian restaurant Infusion Hope, where foods such as grains, fruits, nuts, legumes, and vegetables are believed to be the foods recommended by God for human beings.

This restaurant aims to offer simple and natural preparations so that people can enjoy a healthier diet. However, in this initial phase, Infusion Hope Valdivia seeks to reach out to the community by offering free workshops. In addition, one of Infusion Hope's key objectives is to plant a new Adventist Church.

The first workshop presented at Infusion Hope Valdiva was a bakery workshop focusing on pita bread and focaccia. This took place in July and had excellent results in the company of the evangelist from south Chile, José Ramírez. Due to the community's participation, the restaurant plans to continue with these workshops on a constant basis.

Baking workshop with Valdivians.
Baking workshop with Valdivians.

A Modern Space for Learning

The restaurant has all the necessary facilities to carry out these workshops and also to worship God. In addition, there is a team of committed young volunteers from the "One Year in Mission" (OYiM) project and the support of associate pastors and leaders from the Valdivia district. There is even a missionary couple from Brazil who has dedicated their time and effort to this project.

Missionary couple at Infusion Hope.
Missionary couple at Infusion Hope.

The launch of the workshops, through the first baking workshop, has generated great interest and participation from the community. This has motivated the organizers to plan more workshops and activities related to healthy food, cooking for children, languages, ​​and more.

The intention is for people to learn to eat healthier, find salvation, and become part of the kingdom of heaven.

Infusion Hope bakery workshop.
Infusion Hope bakery workshop.

For the restaurant's team, the most important thing is trusting that God will be present in this project and will touch people's hearts. Those involved are excited about the results obtained so far and hope that they will begin a continuous movement at Infusion Hope Valdivia.

See more images from the first baking workshop below:

Pastor Ramírez presenting the theoretical scope of bread.

Pastor Ramírez presenting the theoretical scope of bread.

Photo: Nicolás Acosta

Preparations for the first workshop.

Preparations for the first workshop.

Photo: Nicolás Acosta

Pita Bread Preparation.

Pita Bread Preparation.

Photo: Nicolás Acosta

Focaccia prepared by Infusion Hope

Focaccia prepared by Infusion Hope

Photo: Nicolás Acosta

The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish website.

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