Adventist Physician Works to Bring Better Health to China

Through the development of a multi-purpose center in the southern city of Zongshan, Seventh-day Adventist physician Dr. John Wong is working to bring better health to China.

Zongshan, China | Jonathan Gallagher/ANN

Through the development of a multi-purpose center in the southern city of Zongshan, Seventh-day Adventist physician Dr. John Wong is working to bring better health to China.

Through the development of a multi-purpose center in the southern Chinese city of Zongshan, Seventh-day Adventist physician Dr. John Wong is working to bring better health to China.

As president of the United States-China Christian Institute based in Oceanside, California, Wong said in a March 10 interview that he developed this program as a way of sharing with the people of mainland China. “I have been blessed by God,” he says, “and this is my way to give back to the Chinese people. They have a great need for dental and medical care, and preventive health education.”

Wong leads a team of up to 15 health professionals to Zongshan three times a year, where they provide free dental and medical care, continuing education and health training.

“We work with the people, emphasizing the traditional Chinese values of morality, faithfulness, love, kindness, loyalty and a commitment to education,” says Wong. “Of course at the start they could not believe the free service was real—they were concerned about a hidden agenda. But now they accept us and appreciate what we are able to do to help. And for us, once you have seen the gratitude and joy on the face of someone you have helped, all other arguments go down the drain.”

The motivation for this altruistic service, says Wong, is expressed in a sign at the center in Zongshan: “To glorify heaven and benefit mankind.”