Avondale College, the only Seventh-day Adventist tertiary institution in Australia, was awarded a five-star rating
Avondale College, the only Seventh-day Adventist tertiary institution in Australia, was awarded a five-star rating for “student satisfaction” in an annual review of Australian colleges and universities. The top rating, published in the recently launched 2001 edition of the Good Universities Guide, reflects in part the “distinctive mission” of the college, with its strong emphasis on Christian values, says college vice president Gil Valentine.
“Avondale is delighted at the very high ratings given by the Good Universities Guide,” says Valentine. “This is the third year in a row we have achieved this distinction. We also received a five-star rating for our staff-student ratio.”
The Good Universities Guide, published each year, is influential in its benchmarking role for Australian tertiary education. Avondale’s top ranking for Graduate Educational Experience, which was awarded to only one other tertiary institution in the State of New South Wales, is based on government surveys measuring “overall satisfaction, teaching quality and the acquisition of generic skills.”
“These five-star ratings are a tribute to our highly committed, qualified staff,” says Valentine. “It is this that distinguishes Avondale from other institutions. Our staff could well pursue lucrative careers elsewhere in higher education, but they are committed to Adventist Christian education; to the educational and spiritual development of their students. We are very proud of them.” He points out that Avondale’s external advisory panels have commented that students “get much more than their money’s worth at Avondale.”
“The results in the Good Universities Guide confirm this reputation for excellence,” says Valentine.
Established in 1897, Avondale College offers fully accredited courses in theology, education, nursing and business studies.