The recently concluded Earth’s Final Countdown series is undeniably working miracles on the island of Mindoro as former rebels and minorities decided to surrender their lives, not to life imprisonment, but as an offering to God through baptism.
After years of conflict with the government and seclusion up in the mountains of Mindoro, these former rebels came across the Adventist World Radio (AWR) program, which led to an important decision they made in their lives to accept the blessed hope of Jesus.
In 2021, at the height of the pandemic, Elder Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference, and Duane McKey, AWR president, visited the Philippines to host the first installment of the Earth’s Final Countdown campaign.
Despite heavy rains and the scare of the pandemic, the week-long evangelistic initiative ended on a high note as 500 former rebels, including their leader, surrendered their lives to God and accepted Jesus in baptism. Over 2,000 people were baptized during the series.
AWR Readies for Earth’s Final Countdown: Series 2
This year, the AWR team organized the second series of the Earth’s Final Countdown campaign with the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) leadership and other Adventist organizations.
In cooperation with government authorities, the Philippine Military, and other facets of the society, the Earth’s Final Countdown initiative sought to create a unique program that helps the attendees, former rebels, and minorities find their place and belongingness in the community.
During the week-long evangelistic campaign, organizers prepare various programs from social, spiritual, and moral-enriching activities. The community worked together in facilitating group games, small group activities, and potlucks. Small groups encouraged members to be more open to prayer and express their thoughts during discussion.
Organizers also prepared a mass wedding ceremony for the community.
These programs were designed to strengthen the morale and encourage everyone about their worth to the community and their Savior.
The Evangelistic Week
The culmination of the week-long evangelistic campaign welcomed 722 new members in the Adventist Church, 303 of which were former rebels who surrendered their lives to God in baptism.
McKey expressed that the radio broadcast on Mindoro island will not stop but will be broadcasting on the entire island until everyone has heard the voice of Jesus. “We have a mission to fulfill, and with God’s help, this island of Mindoro and everyone in it will hear and witness how great our Savior is.”
McKey led the nightly meetings, beginning Thursday night. He shared about the love of Jesus and the gift of new life, only if we surrender our lives to Him.
“The gift of salvation is found in Jesus. He doesn’t care about your past; what is important is the decision that you will make today: to go and live a life with Him.”
McKey and other pastors prepare to baptize hundreds of individuals who attended the nightly series during the series’s culmination.
The Earth’s Final Countdown campaign concluded successfully. The local mission field is now set to create opportunities for newly baptized members to continue their spiritual growth and create a rippling influence of Christ’s character on others.
This article was originally published on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division’s news site