Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Adventist Church in Northern Asia Pacific Region hosts International Mission Congress

Seoul, Korea
NSD Communication Department
8 MC2 2921 1

8 MC2 2921 1

Leaders say the mission celebration was accomplished by the grace of God

With the theme “Go Forward”, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) held the 2018 NSD International Mission Congress (IMC) from August 8-11, at KINTEX, Goyang City, Korea. Almost 4,000 participants from 40 countries, including Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Mongolia, and China, came and shared the wonderful blessings of God. On the Sabbath, the last day of the event, more than 5,500 Adventist members attended the meetings.

NSD held this meeting to prepare Adventist church members in their region for Total Member Involvement, and adopt a mission spirit to go forward and share the gospel message with others and hasten Jesus’ second coming. 

About 170 church leaders from the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s World Headquarters in the U.S. state of Maryland, the 13 world divisions and their sub-regions, came to share their inspiring messages and conduct various seminars. The Global Adventist Internet Network (GAiN) Conference and Hope Channel Network Leadership Conference also were held during and after the Congress. About 260 GAiN participants and 75 Hope Channel leaders enjoyed IMC programs during the morning and evening worship time, as well as the Sabbath special programs. 

Ted N. C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, preached during the Sabbath morning worship service. He said, “Christ calls each of us to be part of Total Member Involvement, helping Him reap the harvest as the world comes to an end! God is calling you to TMI wherever you are. God is using everyone who is willing to be used----emptying themselves of self and committing themselves to growing in Christ through Bible study, study of the Spirit of Prophecy, and prayer. God will then use you in powerful outreach to others.”

Mark Finley, special assistant to Wilson for evangelism, was the main speaker for the evening meetings. He challenged the participants with this message: “Personal communion, Sabbath worship, daily devotions take time. The “urgent” was calling Christ but the “eternally significant” was priority. Are you willing to spend time in the presence of God when the clamoring voices of the “urgent” are calling out all around you?” He said, “It is vital to distinguish between the urgent and the important, the immediate and the eternally significant.” 

The Mission Congress was full of seminars, inspiring messages, mission reports, testimonies, and beautiful musical programs. Various mission and educational booths drew attention to their own ministries. People enjoyed outdoor activities and additional musical performances on the special stage.

The International Medical Missionary Conference also met during the IMC Congress. 604 participants received certificates of program participation as medical missionaries. There was also a Prayer Room coordinated by Lisa Clouzet and a Counseling Room by Ron Clouzet. People were able to come to these rooms for spiritual counsel and encouragement.

During the Mission Synergy time, NSD’s various mission projects such as Pioneer Mission Movement, HisHands Mission Movement, Comprehensive Health Ministries, 1000 Missionary Movement, and Total Member Involvement were introduced. Outstanding video reports and testimonies touched the hearts of the participants. 

Some of the most impressive events were the musical programs the Korea Union Conference Media Center produced. The musical performances and video graphics blended in beautiful harmony on the 60-meter wide LED screen. Every time the performances ended, the participants responded with a big around of applause.

On Sabbath afternoon, the main hall of the KINTEX Convention Center was packed with people. There were no empty seats, and a good number of people had to sit on the floor or stand at the back. The musical drama “Caleb”, prepared by the Sulami team, touched the hearts of the people. Through this musical program, many decided to go forward to the mission field just as Caleb had done. 

During the Mission Commitment Ceremony, Si Young Kim, president of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, challenged participants to go just like Caleb did. He shared the story of YongGun Kim, a local church elder. When he was young, Kim came to the Adventist Language Institute to learn English and where he learned Bible truths which led him to baptism. After his baptism, he earnestly studied the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Later on, he devoted his life as a lay evangelist. Through his witness, more than 400 people were baptized. After telling the story of brother Kim. Si Young Kim appealed to the IMC participants to follow the faith of Caleb and brother Kim. He said, “We need to go to every city and country. We need to share the gospel message to the ends of the earth. As we look upon our Savior, we will be able to conquer our spiritual Hebron.” 

After the message, Kim asked the participants to raise the candle lights and scarfs with the writing “TMI, Go Forward!”. All the participants responded by saying “Here am I, Send Me!” 


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