Act with prayers and praise brings hope to patients in Brasilia hospital

Adventist leaders perform an act with prayers and praises to support and honor patients and hospital staff in Brasilia. [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

South American Division

Act with prayers and praise brings hope to patients in Brasilia hospital

Moments of faith and prayer comforted hearts amid despair caused by the new coronavirus

Brazil | Rafael Brondani

Leaders of Adventurers and Pathfinders Clubs (associations that encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of children and adolescents), both belonging to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, met in front of the Regional Hospital of Asa Norte (HRAN), in Brasília, Brazil, on Sunday, March 28th. Through songs, messages and prayers, they interceded for patients, families, and health professionals who fight for life every day.

The director of Adventurers and Pathfinders for Brasília and the surrounding area, Ivay Araujo, mentioned that in the face of the crisis the world is experiencing, making a difference in someone's life will always be a praiseworthy act. “That is why our group was willing to dedicate some time this Sunday, as one of the actions of the 'Pathfinder for a day' project, to go to the hospital and do a symbolic act of support for the sick, their families, and health professionals,” explains Araujo.

Dozens of leaders were present and the team delivered almost 100 kits of personal protective equipment (PPE), and made a chain of prayer in the square in front of the main entrance of the hospital, in front of several windows that opened to show the emotional faces and the hands that swayed in synonym of faith and acceptance, which ended with an “amen” by several patients and medical staff.

"Mission Accomplished! It was wonderful to see the reaction of everyone involved and, especially, those who [needed] a prayer or a word of hope,” says Ivay.

Response to comfort

Upon arriving in front of the building where the inpatients are staying, volunteer Késia Dantas noticed that most of the windows were closed. Gradually, while the group sang, people opened them to listen. “Warm greetings were given from the top of the building, and we, with great affection and respect, reciprocated while singing. Experiencing this experience warmed my heart with feelings of love and compassion! ”, highlights Késia.

Similar activities also took place in two more municipalities in Goiás: Alvorada do Norte and Posse, which also had the leaders of Pathfinders and Adventurers make this manifestation of faith and solidarity.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site