Inter-European Division

30,000 liters of microorganisms against mold were issued in flood areas

At a citizens' meeting in Kreuzberg, Altenahr, information was given about the use of effective microorganisms. [Photo Credit:  ADRA-Deutschland e. V.]

At a citizens' meeting in Kreuzberg, Altenahr, information was given about the use of effective microorganisms. [Photo Credit: ADRA-Deutschland e. V.]

Due to the flood disaster in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, toxins and pollutants were washed ashore, and have settled in the houses and gardens nearby. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) of Germany is providing effective microorganisms (EM) to combat odor and mold in affected homes and gardens. In September, over 30,000 liters of EM were distributed free of charge to those affected.

Since the beginning of September, ADRA has been supporting the victims by distributing effective microorganisms (EM). EM is a mixture of different microscopic living things. Applied to contaminated surfaces, they neutralize harmful putrefactive and odorous bacteria. The microorganisms are made without chemicals and are 100 percent biodegradable. Effective microorganisms have already been used successfully in the past during the floods on the Oder and Elbe.

Applying EM can neutralize toxins and combat odors, thus making houses habitable again and outdoor areas usable again. According to ADRA, the effective microorganisms are released to private households free of charge. Training courses provide information on the correct use and dosage of liquid EM.

After the floods in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, ADRA also helped with the clean-up work and reconstruction.

ADRA Germany is supported in the provision of effective microorganisms by the alliance of German aid organizations "Aktion Deutschland Hilft", as well as EMIKO Handelsgesellschaft mbH and EM eV.

A list of the distribution points can be downloaded from

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is an international non-governmental organization. ADRA Deutschland eV, based in Weiterstadt near Darmstadt, was founded in 1987 by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. ADRA Germany is a member of a worldwide federally organized network with over 130 national ADRA offices and is also a founding member of "Aktion Deutschland Hilft". 

For more information about ADRA Germany, visit: .

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The original story can be found here.

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