ANN In-Depth

Why is the Adventist Church Determined to Print and Distribute Millions of Books?

In a world rapidly shifting to digital, books retain a unique power. Almir Marroni, the director of Publishing for the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, joins us to discuss the enduring influence and importance of the printed page.

In a world rapidly shifting to digital, books retain a unique power. Almir Marroni, the director of Publishing for the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, joins us to discuss the enduring influence and importance of the printed page. The Adventist Church oversees an impressive network of 57 publishing houses around the globe, with Brazil leading as home to the largest. Their mission? To disseminate publications that resonate across languages and cultures.

Central to our discussion is a standout book titled "The Great Controversy." Beyond its rich depiction of biblical events, spanning from Satan's defiance to the hopeful restoration of Earth, it's a work that's transformed countless lives, offering readers insight into the age-old battle between good and evil and its impact on human existence.

Coming soon: An exploration of the concept of truth in today's era. Plus, a closer look at the profound impact books have within the Seventh-day Adventist community and their role in fostering personal growth.