When over 300 bikers roared into the Serbian village of Gospođinci for Motofest 2022, it was an opportunity for them to not only celebrate their passion but also enjoy great food, as well as an opening to learn about Jesus.
The event was organized by the Serbian chapter of the Adventist Motorcycle Ministry (AMM). Dejan Lukic, AMM Serbian chapter president, beamed with joy and delight at the attendance. “We did not expect so many people. It was amazing!” he exclaimed. “We had over 300 bikers, distributed 400 books … and welcomed representatives of 46 motorcycle clubs. The church in Europe has never experienced an event like this before.”
![MotoFest was held in Gospođinci, Serbia, on 2–4 September 2022 [Photo: Dejan Lukic]](https://images.hopeplatform.org/resize/L3c6MTI4MCxxOjc1L2hvcGUtaW1hZ2VzLzY1ZTcxMzAxZjY1NTI4MWE1MzhlZDM3My83WmExNzEzODgyNDkwNzIzLmpwZw/w:1280,q:75/hope-images/65e71301f655281a538ed373/7Za1713882490723.jpg)
While the festival had all the hallmarks of a good two-wheeled event—a ride through the stunning countryside, great food, music, and even some motorcyclist acrobatics—it was more than just that; the organizers created it as an opportunity to serve the community and naturally share their faith. “Everything was free: the food, the books, the health checks—people were in awe! We invited four pastors and gave them the opportunity to preach during the event. They talked about the second coming of Jesus and how He want[s] to take care of body, mind, and soul,” shared Lukic.
“We did not serve alcohol, and [we] played Christian music,” Lukic continued. “Additionally, 50 ultrasound examinations were performed by health professionals, and we had a booth to donate blood.” By the end of the event, “everybody wanted to take home our T-shirts with [the] AMM logo. The influence of AMM is growing. Now everybody knows us and talks about us.”
Dreaming about the future of AMM Serbia, Lukic shared some plans: “We talked to our friends from the Adventist Development and Relief Agency [ADRA] to borrow their mobile healthcare vehicle. We are going to take this truck to the events we attend to continue offering free health checks.”
Lukic concluded, “I cannot wait to see what God will do. I know God has a plan and a mission for every biker in Europe.”.