“My first time in a soup kitchen was a little over two years ago. I recently got to know the Adventist Church and was asked to join ADRA’s (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) food distribution. I liked the experience so much that I regularly served in the soup kitchen. Now we are responsible for distributing waste food bags and soup to the Oikos community of young adults once a month. Sometimes, new people have joined, who are interested in experiencing the atmosphere of the soup kitchen and being helpful in different ways,” says Linda Helin, a volunteer with ADRA Finland.
![[Photo: ADRA Finland]](https://images.hopeplatform.org/resize/L3c6MTkyMCxxOjc1L2hvcGUtaW1hZ2VzLzY1ZTcxMzAxZjY1NTI4MWE1MzhlZDM3My9STG8xNzEzODg4NDI3MjI4LmpwZw/w:1920,q:75/hope-images/65e71301f655281a538ed373/RLo1713888427228.jpg)
The soup kitchen has a warm, communal atmosphere. Volunteers prepare tasty soup and sandwiches and collect food bags. Many customers visit the food delivery every week and become good acquaintances.
For visitors, a soup kitchen is not only an opportunity to get a warm meal but also an opportunity to meet friends and socialize. Volunteers take time to talk to people and listen to their stories. The most important thing is that each participant’s physical and social needs are met.
![[Photo: ADRA Finland]](https://images.hopeplatform.org/resize/L3c6MTkyMCxxOjc1L2hvcGUtaW1hZ2VzLzY1ZTcxMzAxZjY1NTI4MWE1MzhlZDM3My9ZQ1gxNzEzODg4NDQ2OTU2LmpwZw/w:1920,q:75/hope-images/65e71301f655281a538ed373/YCX1713888446956.jpg)
“The soup kitchen is an easy and comfortable way to serve others and get to know ADRA’s activities. I warmly recommend working as a volunteer in the soup kitchen to anyone interested and wants to spread good spirits and put a smile on their faces as well,” concludes Helin.
ADRA Finland and ADRA Europe have been helping the poor in Finland since the 1960s. Together with their regional partners, they organize food deliveries, porridge breakfasts, soup kitchens, shared meals, and the distribution of free clothes and home textiles in different parts of the country.
![[Photo: ADRA Finland]](https://images.hopeplatform.org/resize/L3c6MTkyMCxxOjc1L2hvcGUtaW1hZ2VzLzY1ZTcxMzAxZjY1NTI4MWE1MzhlZDM3My93N0MxNzEzODg4NDcwMDY4LmpwZw/w:1920,q:75/hope-images/65e71301f655281a538ed373/w7C1713888470068.jpg)
ADRA Finland distributes around 80,000–100,000 kilograms of European Union food aid to those in need every year.
Around 30,000–40,000 people in Finland benefit from various forms of assistance through ADRA Finland annually.
The original version of this story was posted on the ADRA Europe website.