
ANN InDepth

Deuteronomy [What Does It Talk About and Why Should We Study It?]

Deuteronomy [What Does It Talk About and Why Should We Study It?]

This week we take another deep dive into the Bible– this time, into the book of Deuteronomy. Why did this handing down of the law matter so much during its time, throughout the Bible and still today? This week Sam and Jennifer talk to Morgan Kochenhower about the beauty and importance of the book of Deuteronomy.

Healthy Habits [How Do We Humans Develop Them?]

Healthy Habits [How Do We Humans Develop Them?]

Habits can be hard to make. We know we want to live healthier, happier lives but sometimes we’re not sure where to start and we’re disappointed when we fail. How do we create healthy habits? How do we prioritize what is important to us and what boundaries we need to create? This week, Sam and Jennifer talk to Dr. Dee Knight about how to create and stick to our healthy habits.

Long-haul COVID [How Does It Affect People and the World?]

Long-haul COVID [How Does It Affect People and the World?]

You’ve had Covid-19 but you are having a hard time getting back to work, back to school, back into your daily grind. The symptoms are continuing to linger. You are experiencing what some are calling “long covid” or “long-haul covid”. How can we minister to those experiencing long-haul Covid? How can we love our family, friends and fellow church members better? This week Sam and Jennifer sit down with Dr. Peter Landless, health ministries director for the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, about long-haul covid and the impact it’s having on our community.

Book of Genesis [What is It About and Why is It Important?]

Book of Genesis [What is It About and Why is It Important?]

Sometimes we take the books of the Bible, and read them as if they are their own separate piece of literature. Forgetting that what happens in the beginning, has far reaching consequences and is reference throughout the entirety of Scripture. This week, Sam and Jennifer talk to Benji Maxon about how to read the first book of the Bible, why it’s important and how to see the stories played out throughout the whole of Scripture.

Relationships [How Can You Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Kids?]

Relationships [How Can You Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Kids?]

Are you looking to develop a deeper, longer lasting relationship with your child? Maybe you’re worried they are having too much screen time and not enough quality time with their friends or family. Maybe you’re worried you are spending too much time on your phone, at work, or busy with day-to-day life to truly connect with your child. This week Sam and Jennifer talk to adolescent and child psychiatrist Marissa Leslie about ways to strengthen your relationship with your children.

Relationships [Should You Be Single or Be Married?]

Relationships [Should You Be Single or Be Married?]

Are you single? Maybe you’re looking for a spouse? Maybe you’ve been widowed or divorced? Or maybe, you just don’t feel called by God to be married! No matter why you are single, sometimes it can be hard and lonely. This week Jennifer and Sam talk to director of Focus Ministries, Andrea Hicks, to talk about how to find a blessing in your season of singleness.

Success [How Do We Define It As Christians?]

Success [How Do We Define It As Christians?]

What does it mean to be successful? Does it mean you have a powerful job or you make a lot of money? For a Christian who lives in this world, with a society driven to succeed at any cost, it can be hard to determine what success means to them. This week, Sam Neves and Jennifer Stymiest talk to Pavel Goia about what success means to him. You won’t want to miss this episode!


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