Special Prayer Appeal for the 61st General Conference Session - Pastor Ted Wilson

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In this special episode, Pastor Ted Wilson is with his fellow General Conference executive officers, Erton Kohler and Paul Douglas, to share an earnest appeal for united prayer.

Time is short. We must unite in proclaiming the three angels’ messages and pray for revival, reformation, repentance, and humility as we prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the final loud cry before Christ’s Second Coming.

One way of carrying out God’s mission is through General Conference Sessions.

Attended by more than 2,000 delegates representing over 21 million Seventh-day Adventists worldwide, GC Sessions are normally held every five years. But the 61st session, originally scheduled in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 2020, had to be postponed twice due to unfortunate circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. But this June 6-11, 2022, the 61st GC Session will take place in St. Louis, Missouri.

General Conference Sessions are important business meetings and decisions conducted to elect new officers, directors, and associates. Also discussed are the church constitution and bylaws, our fundamental beliefs, the church manual, and others. It also includes inspiring music and spiritual devotionals and a time for fellowship as a worldwide family of believers.

In preparation for this session, we want to refocus on “revival for mission.” Ahead of us are challenges and defining moments as we face the reopening of the post-pandemic world, armed conflicts, political and natural crises, and a lot more. With this, we must be firm in what we believe in, renew our commitment to God, and seek the Holy Spirit.

As officers of the General Conference, Pastor Ted and his fellows invite us to a special time of study and prayer leading up to the 61st GC Session. Called the “40 Days of Prayer,” it begins on May 3 and runs through the session itself, ending on June 11. Daily and weekly inspirational materials are provided free at https://revivalandreformation.org/40days.

A few weeks before the 1888 General Conference Session, Ellen White wrote a letter, saying, "We are impressed that this gathering will be the most important meeting you have ever attended. This should be a period of earnestly seeking the Lord and humbling your hearts before Him. I hope you will regard this as a most precious opportunity to pray and counsel together."

She urged delegates to follow the counsel of Paul to "esteem others better than ourselves" (Philippians 2:3). She continued, "You can in humility of mind, with the Spirit of Christ, search the Scriptures carefully to see what is truth…The truth can lose nothing by close investigation. Let the Word of God speak for itself, let it be its own interpreter, and the truth will shine like precious gems amid the rubbish" (Letter 20, August 5, 1888).

In this letter, Ellen White emphasized the necessity of personal Bible study and prayer, asking God to help you understand the truth of His Word. "Let every soul now be divested of envy, of jealousy, of evil surmising, and bring their hearts into close connection with God. If all do this, they will have that love burning upon the altar of their hearts which Christ evidenced for them. All parties will have Christian kindness and Christian tenderness. There will be no strife for the servants of God must not strive."

Then, she spoke of the last-day events, saying, "We have been apprised of our dangers, the trials, and temptations just before us; and now is the time to take special pains…to prepare ourselves to meet the temptations and the emergencies which are just before us. If souls neglect to bring the truth into their lives and be sanctified through the truth…they will be swept away by some of the manifold errors and heresies and will lose their souls." 

She continued, "All selfish ambition should be laid aside and you should plead with God for His Spirit to descend upon you as it came upon the disciples who were assembled together upon the day of Pentecost."

Just as the early believers experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we long for the promised Latter Rain so we can finish God’s work here on earth and go home with Him in heaven. And just as they obtained the Spirit by being in “one accord” (Acts 2), we can also be united by praying together, studying the Word, and confessing our sins.

Jesus is coming soon! Let us come together as a worldwide church family during the 40 Days of Prayer.