Children [How Can We Reach the Most Vulnerable of Them?]—Pastor Ted Wilson

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Ministering to the Orphans and Vulnerable Children

This week, Pastor Ted Wilson and his wife, Nancy, share thoughts on ministering to the most vulnerable children in the world.

According to research, children who grew up in a loving, caring Christian home are more resilient and better equipped to face life's challenges.

Unfortunately, millions of children today live without parents. Statistics show that Asia has 61 million orphans, Africa has 52 million, and Latin American and the Caribbean have 10 million.

Throughout the Bible, God has expressed His concern by asking His people to show care and concern for the orphans. "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation. God sets the solitary in families..." (Psalm 68:5-6).

This Sabbath, November 20, is the World Orphans/Vulnerable Children's Day. Under the direction of the Adventist Possibility Ministries, this yearly event encourages awareness of the welfare of these children and encourages us to do what we can to help.

The Bible reminds us to respond to their needs. Matthew 19:14 tells us to let children come to Jesus. Psalm 82:3 says that we are to "defend the poor and fatherless." Also, Proverbs 31:8 compels us to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. 

Isaiah 1:17 mentions that we are to protect the fatherless from those who mistreat them. Still, Matthew 25 encourages us to feed and clothe those in need. Finally, Luke 3:11 and Romans 12:13 remind us to share our resources with the less fortunate.

With this, Adventist Possibility Ministries offers suggestions and ideas to help orphans and vulnerable children on These suggestions include praying, adopting, foster parenting, and sending special gifts.

Children need to feel that they are special. So, take time listening to their stories. Also, provide them a temporary home away from home. Above all, point them to Jesus as their best Friend. 

Testimonies for the Church, volume 6, says, "Let those who have the love of God open their hearts and homes to take in these children. It is not the best plan to care for the orphans in large institutions. If they have no relatives able to provide for them, the members of our churches should either adopt these little ones into their families or find suitable homes for them in other households."

It continues, "These children are in a special sense the ones whom Christ looks upon, whom it is an offense to Him to neglect. Every kind act done to them in the name of Jesus is accepted by Him as done to Himself."

The church is blessed with organizations that provide services for orphans and vulnerable children. Some of them are listed here:

With this, may the Lord open our eyes and touch our hearts, showing us how we can minister to these children.