Spiritual Gifts [How Can You Discover Your Gifts?]

ANN In-Depth

Do we talk about spiritual gifts enough? We may not want to talk about our gifts because we feel embarrassed, but God gave us all gifts for a reason. How can you discover your spiritual gift and how can we encourage others to use theirs? Find out in this new episode of ANN In-Depth.

Do we talk about spiritual gifts enough? We may not want to talk about our gifts because we feel embarrassed, but God gave us all gifts for a reason. How can you discover your spiritual gift and how can we encourage others to use theirs? Find out in this new episode of ANN In-Depth.

For this episode, we are joined by Pastor Gary Blanchard. Pastor Gary is the World Youth Director for the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pastor Gary’s gifts are encouragement, preaching, and leadership and he daily seeks to “walk in the Spirit” so that he can be a contagious reflector of Christ.


GC Youth Ministries

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