Londyn’s COVID Lesson

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South Pacific Division

Londyn’s COVID Lesson

A short story about what two children learned from lockdown in New Zealand

New Zealand | Laila-Jade Maxwell

It was the year 2020, and in the country of New Zealand, there lived a little girl. Her name was Londyn, and she lived with her parents and older brother, Jeremiah.

They had a pet Burmese cat, whose name was Lily.

Londyn and her family lived in the Wellington suburb of Karori. One of Londyn and Jeremiah’s favorite things to do on the weekends was to visit Otari-Wilton’s Bush and look for painted rocks.

During the week, Londyn and Jeremiah went to school. Londyn’s favorite subject was social studies, but she did not enjoy math. Jeremiah’s favorite subject was science, but he hated English because it did not have enough adventure for him.

However, in early April, New Zealand went into lockdown due to the coronavirus. Londyn and Jeremiah could not attend school anymore. Their dad had to stay home from work, too. And sadly, they couldn’t drive to Otari-Wilton’s Bush anymore either. They could only walk within their own blocks.

At first, Londyn and Jeremiah felt bored. They missed their friends. Londyn could not have a proper birthday party, either. Instead, they played her favorite games and watched her favorite movies all day.

After what seemed like an eternity to the two children (but was really only three days), something changed. Instead of leaving the kids to do their schoolwork online, Mum and Dad decided they would do some activities as a family. Dad taught Londyn and Jeremiah some computer skills, including setting up a PowerPoint presentation. Then Mum started teaching them cooking.

One day, as the family made cupcakes together, Londyn said, “This isn’t fair! Why can’t I see my friends?”

“Yeah,” Jeremiah agreed. “Why is God letting this happen?”

Hearing the kids’ complaints, Mum and Dad took them into the lounge. Once everyone was sitting on the couch, Mum opened a Bible.

“Kids,” explained Mum, “none of us knows why God is letting this happen. Londyn, would you please read us this verse?”

Londyn took the Bible from Mom and read the verse she pointed out. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).

For a minute, both children were silent. Then Jeremiah said, “Mum? Dad? If God’s plans are not to harm us, then why do we have to stay home from school?”

“Well, Jem,” replied Dad, “God gives us governments, prime ministers, presidents, and their advisors. Their job on earth is to make laws that protect us. One of our government’s laws at the moment is a lockdown. As part of that, you can’t go to school.”

Both children smiled thoughtfully. Then Londyn asked, “Does that mean God’s plan for Jeremiah and I at the moment is to obey the lockdown?”

“That’s a good thought, Londyn,” said Mum. “I’m not sure what God’s plan is for either of you, but He does want us to obey our government and its rules.”

The last couple weeks of lockdown flew by for both children. In fact, schooling the children at home worked so well for the family that Mum and Dad decided to start homeschooling them instead of sending them to school again.

Mum and Dad bought some workbooks from a bookstore. Jeremiah had year-six math, English, and science, while Londyn had year-four math, English, and social studies.

On a language-learning website, both kids learned Spanish. They were each allowed to choose another language, too. Jeremiah chose Swahili, and Londyn chose German.

Finally, at level-1 lockdown, they were allowed to see their friends again. Neither Londyn’s best friend, Harper, nor Jeremiah’s best friend, Michael, understood why they had enjoyed lockdown so much. However, Jeremiah, who dreamed of being a pastor one day, explained very well to Michael their parents’ lesson on God’s plan.

Soon after, Michael asked if he could attend church with them and their parents when it reopened. As Seventh-day Adventists, they worshiped on Saturday. They were very surprised that Michael wanted to come—he had soccer practice then—but to their surprise and relief, he loved it and even quit his soccer team so he could attend regularly.

“Mum and Dad,” began Jeremiah, one day in June, “I’m thankful you talked to us about God’s plan. Now I’ve been able to bless my friend by what I’ve learned!”

“Yes!” exclaimed Londyn excitedly. “Thank you for teaching me my COVID lesson.”


This article was originally published on the website of Adventist Record