South American Division

Woman in Brazil Dreams About Missionary Book Distribution Project

Scrolling through Instagram, a 35-year-old young woman was surprised to see a video from the Adventist Church in Brazil with the same images from her dream.


Daniel Gonçalves
Patrícia is finding answers in the book The Great Controversy. (Photo: Personal archive)

Patrícia is finding answers in the book The Great Controversy. (Photo: Personal archive)

In late March of 2023, on a Friday morning, Patricia Imianosky had another one of her "real" dreams. Cars exploding, airplanes in the sky, fire, diseases, and earthquakes. What did this mean? It was not the first such dream. Upon waking up, she opened Instagram and saw her dream in a video. "It was exactly the same! What does my dream mean? Please tell me," the woman wrote in the comments thread of the video post.

Patrícia lives in Brusque, in the interior of Santa Catarina, where the Adventist Church's message began to spread throughout Brazil in 1880. Just as in the past, a medium was used this week to impress the 35-year-old woman. "God had been putting seeds in me to go to the Adventist Church," she reported. Those seeds, which she also calls God's coincidences, began in 2017, when she felt a strong desire to know about Jesus' return.

Since then, Patrícia has been having dreams she calls "real" because they have a sense of God trying to speak to her. Patrícia was never an Adventist, but church members and books by a writer named Ellen G. White began to appear. "I once bought two books by this lady at a bookstore. I bought them randomly," she commented. 

However, this week, something else happened. "On Tuesday, I was at my aunt's house, an evangelical [not Adventist], and I saw this book, The Great Controversy. I borrowed it and started reading, and from Thursday to Friday, I had a very real dream about wars, diseases, earthquakes," adds Patrícia.

Global distribution should impact the lives of others around the world. (Photo: Anne Seixas)
Global distribution should impact the lives of others around the world. (Photo: Anne Seixas)

Seeing her dream on her cell phone screen the next day, she was overwhelmed and wrote, "I dreamed about this scene, what does this video mean? I want to understand my dream. It was one of the strongest I have ever had. First I thought it might be something about the war in Ukraine. But I believe now that it is about the return of Jesus."

Impact Message

Patrícia started studying the Bible with her new Adventist friends recently, and the first Saturday she went to an Adventist church, the topic was connected with the same subject. "I went last Saturday for the first time in your church, and the pastor was talking about this topic: the great controversy, the return of Jesus. It looks like tomorrow you're going to have a special event, right? Handing out the book for free, from what I understand. I'm going! I believe we are close to the big day! Come on, God's army, we have little time left," she shared.

The producer of the video is Davison Alex, from Rio de Janeiro. He realized this account was a message for not only Patrícia but also all the Adventists who took to the streets on Sabbath, April 1. "How many people must have dreamed of this book, of this message, and are waiting to be presented with it? Those agents who will bring the answers are us. It is our mission," he said.

Patricia said she intends to be baptized soon because there is not much time to lose. "It's the first church that I feel is not sleeping for Jesus' return. It's the first church that I see is the right one for me to be in. It's the first church that I can talk about Jesus' return without terrifying anyone. And it is the first church that enlightens me on this subject, and my dreams, without putting fear in me. I feel peace now. The great day of Jesus' return is coming!”

The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Portuguese-language news site.

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