Southern Asia-Pacific Division

Total Member Involvement Leads to Over 900 Baptisms in Central Philippines

Adventist ministries in the Philippines collaborate to inspire Total Member Involvement.


Maricel Mahinay Bojos, Central Visayan Conference
A group dedicated in prayer before baptism at Central Philippines evangelistic campaign led by Adventist laymen and professionals. The coordinated evangelistic effort resulted in 977 individuals accepting the message of truth through immersion.

A group dedicated in prayer before baptism at Central Philippines evangelistic campaign led by Adventist laymen and professionals. The coordinated evangelistic effort resulted in 977 individuals accepting the message of truth through immersion.

[Photo: Central Visayan Conference]

The Adventist-Laymen Services and Industries (ASI), in collaboration with Adventist Professionals (AdPro) and the Adventist Church in Central Visayas (CVC) in the Philippines, emphasized the crucial role of every church member in creating a lasting community impact. In response, they organized a simultaneous evangelistic campaign spanning 60 sites across the provinces of Masbate, Bohol, and Cebu.
The month-long campaign, held throughout July, aimed to unify churches and empower members in the mission field to share the gospel message in this part of the world. This collaborative effort resulted in the baptism of 977 individuals, who accepted the gospel of truth and the hope of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
A significant outcome of this initiative was the increased involvement of church members in fellowship and service, both within the church and in the local community. The church encourages everyone to participate and mobilize in spreading the message of hope through the Total Member Initiative. This campaign promoted a sense of unity and purpose among the participants, encouraging members to engage more actively in church activities and outreach programs. Church members not only contributed to the spiritual growth of new believers but also strengthened their own faith through collective worship, Bible studies, and community service projects.
As part of this initiative, church members in Central Visayas engaged in intensive groundwork to support the campaign. They organized various service-oriented activities, such as health clinics, family seminars, and aid distributions, demonstrating Christ's love in practical ways. This heightened level of engagement not only enhanced the spiritual vibrancy of the local congregations but also built stronger connections with the surrounding communities.
The campaign also received valuable evangelistic assistance from Korean doctoral students at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS), led by Dr. Nakhyung Kim, the speaker at one of the sites in Bohol province. To further support the initiative, these doctoral students collaborated with the 1000 Missionary Movement.
Major venues across the region hosted evangelistic campaigns throughout the CVC. These efforts included significant outreach in both urban and rural areas, providing spiritual guidance and support to diverse communities.
We specifically chose several sites in Metro Cebu to cater to the working class, professionals, and the affluent. These locations were strategically selected to make the worship venues more accessible to busy individuals, ensuring that attendees could easily participate in the nightly programs. The collaborative efforts of local pastors and the ASI/AdPro teams focused on addressing the unique spiritual needs of non-Adventist working-class individuals and professionals, creating an engaging and welcoming environment for all participants.
Joer Barlizo, president of the Adventist Church in the Central Philippines (CPUC), expressed profound gratitude and awe at how God answers prayers. He conveyed his appreciation to all Adventist laymen and professionals, leaders and facilitators, ministers and lay workers, and all the brethren involved. He reminded everyone that "there is always joy in the service of the King."
On the other hand, Lelord Arranguez, ASI/Ad Pro and Communication director of the Central Visayan Conference, commended the ASI-Ad Pro officers and members for their dedicated involvement in this year's efforts. “Organizing a massive campaign like this is only possible through the commitment and passion of individuals dedicated to sharing the gospel,” said Arranguez.
Moreover, Bernie Maniego, the CPUC Communication and ASI/Ad Pro director, encouraged everyone, saying, "May this momentum prevail until He comes. Millions are still out there, waiting to hear His voice."
This initiative achieves ASI and Ad Pro's goal of influencing all walks of life within the workplace and marketplace in support of the Seventh-Day Adventists' global mission.

The original article was published on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division website.

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