South American Division

The HOPE Project Provides Support to People Affected by Humanitarian Emergency

The ADRA Ecuador initiative seeks to improve the quality of life of displaced people in Ecuador and Peru.


Rogers Laverde, with ANN Staff
Support network for a migrant family.

Support network for a migrant family.

[Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador]

Since its implementation in June 2023 until April 2024, the HOPE (Holistic Response for People in Humanitarian Emergencies in Ecuador and Peru) project led by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, ADRA Ecuador, has focused on improving the quality of life and dignity of displaced people in various communities.

The HOPE project aims to support people affected by the humanitarian emergency in Ecuador and Peru by increasing access to specialized health, food security, and protection response services. Specifically, it focuses on Venezuelan refugees, promoting their integration and development and facilitating their access to emerging assistance services.

The year 2023 posed significant challenges for individuals impacted by the humanitarian crisis in both countries. The rise in insecurity, violence, xenophobia, and socioeconomic hardships had a detrimental effect on the migrant and displaced population in both nations.

Despite these challenges, the HOPE project has generated a significant impact in the lives of thousands of people in Ecuador and Peru. In Ecuador, more than 37,000 people have benefited, while in Peru 6,701 individuals have been served. These interventions include care in critical areas such as primary health, mental health, food assistance, and protection.

Medical care provided for migrants.
Medical care provided for migrants.

HOPE has proven to be a model of effective action in responding to the humanitarian crisis. Their achievements underline the importance of collaboration and solidarity action in times of difficulty.

ADRA Ecuador is continuing to support migrants and has had a significant impact on their lives. They are providing assistance through health brigades using a mobile health unit and teams of medical professionals from the HOPE project. These professionals offer care in general medicine, psychology, nursing, dentistry, and obstetrics. The funding for these initiatives comes from the European Union (ECHO) with the support of ADRA Czech Republic, and the program is implemented by ADRA Ecuador, ADRA Peru, and AVSI Ecuador.

Take a look at some photos of the project:

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

Photo: ADRA Communications Ecuador

The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish website.

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