Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The Adventist Church in Vietnam Experiences Milestone, Celebrates Multiple Baptisms

Nationwide joint ceremony exemplifies the fruitfulness of evangelistic zeal and cooperation

Vietnam Adventist Mission
[Credits: SSD]

[Credits: SSD]

The Vietnam Adventist Mission (VAM) witnessed a historic milestone as a major mass-baptism ceremony unfolded concurrently in numerous places across the country on Sabbath, July 29, 2023. Over 370 people embraced their faith and became members of the Adventist community because of this event, indicating a huge step forward for the church's mission in Vietnam.

The event, which was precisely planned and executed, was the culmination of a year-long effort spearheaded by the leadership of the Southeastern Asia Union Mission (SAUM). The VAM bonded its people in an outstanding display of unity, dedication, and outreach, resulting in an abundant spiritual harvest.

Hundreds of care groups were formed as part of the preparation to engage with the local community, reaching out to individuals' interests and building connections. The distribution of written materials by literature evangelists, church leaders, and volunteers was critical in spreading the message of the church. Furthermore, the VAM embraced modern technology by providing both in-person and online Bible studies, utilizing platforms such as Zoom to interact with people who were geographically separated.

The church's dedication to community involvement was also crucial in making a positive difference. Initiatives such as delivering free meals, health check-ups, environmental cleanup, and assistance to those in need highlighted the Seventh-day Adventist fundamental value of caring for those in need.

"This mass baptism is a testament to the power of unity and compassion," said Pastor Tran Thanh Truyen, VAM president. "It gives me great joy to see so many souls welcomed into God's kingdom. I am also encouraged to see our members working together to spread God's love to the people around them. Because of its mission, our church survives."

Stories of Conversion

The meeting was full of wonderful moments that made an impression on everyone who attended. After months of Bible study, a pastor from a Sunday church arrived with his congregation to be baptized, displaying the spirit of collaboration and understanding across religious borders. Her husband and children received Jesus as their personal Savior through baptism, reflecting her own transformative path, thanks to a woman's persistent prayers and unrelenting efforts.

In a heartfelt gesture, the leader of a previously reconciled separate group decided to embrace Jesus as his Savior through joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church and committed himself to work together in sharing the Gospel truth. Others who joined him in embracing this new spiritual path echoed his decision.

While baptism is a solemn event, it also signals the beginning of an exciting journey of faith. Recognizing this, the Adventist community in Vietnam graciously supplied Bibles for each newly baptized member. These Bibles were sponsored by individuals based overseas who expressed their support for this movement. This act guarantees that the new members have the resources they need to continue studying and growing in their faith.

The Adventist Church in Vietnam is a brilliant example of how unity, dedication, and compassionate outreach may result in deep spiritual conversions. As these newly baptized members begin their spiritual journeys, they carry the collective hope and dedication of a church that exists to spread love, faith, and goodwill.

The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division website.

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