On June 13, 2024, the Source of Life Publishing House marked a significant milestone with the inauguration of its new newspaper printing press. This state-of-the-art equipment is devoted to advancing God’s mission and represents a major advancement for the organization and its capabilities.
The grand opening of the newspaper printing press brought together publishing house employees and Euro-Asia Division (ESD) Adventist church leaders. Mikhail Fomich Kaminsky, the president of the ESD and the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the publishing house, Ivan Ilyich Velgosha, the executive secretary of the ESD, Oleg Vyacheslavovich Voronyuk, the treasurer of the ESD, and representatives of various departments and institutions of the ESD gathered to dedicate another press to Him. Together, they asked for a blessing on the work of each individual publishing house employee.

Why do you need a newspaper printing press?
The publishing house needs a machine to print the "Hidden Treasure" and "Keys to Health" newspapers. These newspapers will be distributed in the Tula region, Moscow, Central and Southern associations, and Minsk. The goal is to increase the total circulation of both newspapers to two hundred thousand copies per month and to organize delivery to communities through book centers in different territories.
"The publishing house was established by the Church to spread the gospel message through silent messengers - printed materials. Fulfilling our part of the service in the general mission, we wish to unite with the church in this unique form of preaching the gospel to reach as many people as possible with the Good News," explains the Daniil Lovska, the general director of the publishing house.
This publishing event marks the 175th anniversary of the first Adventist newspaper, "The Real Truth," published in July 1849. Pavel Liberansky, the division's Publishing Ministry director, highlighted, "We believe that trust in God and the special dedication of the Adventist pioneers in publishing the first newspaper servev as an example for all of us fulfilling God’s mission today."

Why is it more convenient?
Previously, each region had to find a way to print newspapers independently. This involved finding printing houses, developing delivery routes, and finding transport companies that would deliver the newspapers.
Now, the newspapers will be sent from the publishing house through book centers and further along the already established logistics chain to each church where both missionaries and readers directly need them. This will centralize the church's general service and significantly facilitate the delivery process.

Future Prospects
The publishing house will focus all its efforts and resources on publishing two newspapers: "The Hidden Treasure" and "Keys to Health." It hopes to expand its offerings to include the youth newspaper "7D," magazines, and brochures, leveraging the editorial team behind "The Hidden Treasure." The director of the publishing house shares their plans, expressing hope that, in collaboration with the editors of "The Hidden Treasure," they will be able to fulfill the mission they believe has been entrusted to them.
The launch of the press is a significant milestone for the publishing house “Source of Life” and for everyone engaged in disseminating the gospel message through newspapers.
The original article was published on the Euro-Asia Division Russian website.