Inter-European Division

“Sing with Nice” Music Project Reaches Children in Worship

“It's amazing how God has touched so many children with these keys and lyrics,” said Eunice, project creator.


Paulo Macedo
“Sing with Nice” Music Project Reaches Children in Worship

Eunice (nicknamed Nice) is 31 years old, married, and the technical director of an Adventist home for seniors. She is used to living and serving among the elderly, and her passion for alleviating the suffering of the most fragile is contagious. She is a passionate person. Another passion of hers is children, for whom she founded the project Canta com a Nice ("Sing with Nice") in 2020.

"This project is made up of original songs written by me or by friends I invite. All songs are released on digital streaming platforms, for free, accompanied by an animated video on YouTube," Nice explains. "After talking to many parents, I realized there were not many songs in Portuguese for the little Pathfinders, and I felt compelled to contribute."

For Nice, music brings great benefits to the development of the child, contributing to the learning process. "I see music as a tool to present Jesus and the stories of the Bible, with a simple language, through situations they can identify with. Music captures attention, awakens the imagination, helps memorize verses, allows feelings to be expressed," she says enthusiastically. "It reveals in each child's mind how great God is and retains His principles of love and care."

On Sabbath, March 4, 2023, Nice, as the children affectionately know her, was invited to perform a special sermon at the Setubal Church in Portugal, entitled "With a Full Heart.”

Setubal Church has many children in the children's Sabbath School and Pathfinders clubs. It’s the life of the church. It also has a school on its premises, since 40 years ago, which now has 35 students. Our main evangelistic engine is our school, the integration of the students in the clubs, and the knowledge of their families about Jesus, the church, and our community," explains Dario Santos, the local pastor. "That's why we invited Nice for this special program."

Many children, including those of church families, as well as school pupils and special invitees, were happy with the visit of the "singer of the songs of Jesus," as they call her; and Nice was even happier. "I didn't imagine songs would jump from screens to churches. It's amazing how God has touched so many children with these keys and lyrics! I know these songs accompany children at home, on their way to school, at bedtime, and on their trips to the doctor. It is a way for me to remind them that Jesus is with them. But in the live programs, I can see their faces and feel their joy. They are the ones who sing to me!" exclaims Nice.

Eunice does not end the interview without reminding people of the importance of children's involvement in church worship. "Don't forget to say that Jesus loves, values, and cares for every little sheep in His flock,” she urges. “Everyone counts and should participate, especially the little ones. [The] church must invest in the integral development of each child and open the way for them to know Jesus."

Get to know the songs of the project here.

Know more about Setubal Adventist School and the project for this quarter.

The original version of this story was posted on the Inter-European Division website.

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