The Seventh-day Adventist Church in northern Peru joined the Basta de Silencio ("Enough of Silence") campaign. They carried out various actions to raise awareness about violence against expectant and new mothers. Pregnant women felt the embrace and support of the entire sisterhood.
Prevention talks were given in state and private schools, Adventist and non-Adventist, by mental and physical health professionals. They visited Women's Emergency Centers (located in police stations), hospitals, and soup kitchens, among other places.
On the central date of the campaign, Saturday, August 26, 2023, they conducted awareness programs for the church and the community: a meeting of 500 women in the city of Jaen, walks with messages of solidarity, and the Missionary Afternoons project, visiting homes and parks to teach people about hope in Jesus Christ.
Among the activities for children, workshops on the prevention of violence were held in churches, local facilities, and sports centers, as well as “dolls tea” workshops for girls and "car tea" workshops for boys.
Committed Church
Every action, poster, and prayer revealed a church committed to care for and share hope and happiness with thousands of households and women who will be or are mothers. In this way, in each region of northern Peru, together with the local churches, they united to testify of what God teaches about care and love for people who suffer some kind of violence.
The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Spanish-language news site.