Save our Sabbath schools

Photo by Sarah Noltner on Unsplash

South Pacific Division

Save our Sabbath schools

Australia | Jarrod Stackelroth

I recently watched a YouTube video titled “Why Sabbath school stinks”. As the host of the video remarks, “Sabbath school done well can be the best part of [the] Sabbath or it can be the worst part.” 

The video raised some important issues and got me thinking. But before we get started, I’d like to share some disclaimers. I’m not suggesting we get rid of Sabbath school (SS) - we have all the tools to make it work. There are some incredibly healthy children’s, youth, and young adult SS groups. Yet, in transitioning between some of these age-specific divisions, many people tend to get lost and drop off. 

Not all Sabbath schools are struggling and actually in many areas of the South Pacific, SS may be a healthy and active part of church life. 

I also don’t think a discussion on SS can be complete without acknowledging the people who, often thanklessly, strive to keep SS going -the countless volunteers, SS leaders, and teachers. 

But, there are cracks in the system as I’ve experienced in my own life. Growing up, SS was my favorite part of the church - until I moved away from my home church. 

My current church plant doesn’t even include a traditional SS element and, due to a few bad experiences, when I travel I tend to avoid SS if I can. As I talk to people my age, none of them are big on SS. It’s a shame.

Flora Plummer, the General Conference’s longest-serving SS Director, said: “The purpose of Sabbath school is the winning of souls.” How many of us can now say that is the case? Attendance numbers are dropping.

“COVID has brought to the surface a problem with SS engagement that we’ve been struggling with for some time,” shares Lyndelle Peterson, Australian Union Conference Personal Ministries, Sabbath School and Stewardship Director, in an email to Adventist Record. “Churches that had a strong SS program pre-COVID found that moving online has in some cases enhanced their experience. Other churches that may have had multiple groups meeting pre-COVID have opted to combine upon returning because of a struggle to regain attendance.”

The problems are not new either. In 1889, Ellen White wrote “The Sabbath School, when rightly managed, possesses marvelous power and is adapted to doing great work, but it is not now what it may and should be. The influence growing out of Sabbath School work should improve and enlarge the church” (CSW9.2).

“Our lives are busier and more complex than they’ve ever been and rather than being a space of belonging, peace, and encouragement, often our Sabbath schools can feel like a chore; something to be endured,” says Pastor Peterson. “When Sabbath school becomes a place of connection and community we are more inclined to find a way and make time to engage.”

When our SS becomes insular, we can become comfortable and lose our mission focus. SS can feel like a hostile place for visitors. Something that has really helped me in this regard is small group facilitation training. Understanding the role of a teacher: to lead the conversation, to ensure there are no dominant voices, to provide opportunities for equal engagement (notice I did not say equal input. Some don’t want to be forced to speak or read. They just need to feel safe to contribute if they want to)—these things help find balance. Someone who is “not safe” (aggressively opinionated or always right) can kill an adult SS faster than you can say investigative judgment. These people can cause others to not come back and must be firmly managed.

According to the YouTuber mentioned above, teachers should be “curious, competent students of the Bible” and teaching SS is an important gift that needs to be developed. If the teacher or leader can create and foster an outward focus, where we expect visitors and encourage the group’s growth, then the SS will discover its purpose. “When groups start to think evangelistically, they start to grow,” agrees Pastor Peterson.

Aunty Ellen agrees. “The Sabbath School is a missionary field, and very much more of a missionary spirit should be manifested in this important work than has been manifested in the past” (CSW10).

This article can’t “fix” Sabbath Schools but it can start a conversation. We can plan, set goals, and study successful groups and find ways to really enhance this important part of church life. 

This article was originally published on the website of Adventist Record