Young people from the Adventist Church of Greater Vitória presented more than 100 families with books, fruits, vegetables, and legumes with the support of a Refrigerator of Hope equipped to serve the community of Itararé. The project is part of one of the movements in response to Hope Impact, which took place this Sabbath, October 30, one day after the celebration of National Book Day.
This year, Adventists plan to distribute more than 600,000 copies of Esperança Além da Crise (“Hope Beyond Crisis”) across Espírito Santo, as well as 100,000 children's magazines. Another group of volunteers prepared breakfast and conducted free book delivery to distribute hope.
The Refrigerator of Hope was set up in the square in the neighborhood of Itararé throughout the morning. Residents had the opportunity to pick up a copy of the book and a kit containing apples, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and oranges. The Capixaba Youth Initiative sought to reinforce the idea that there is hope despite the pandemic and the economic crisis that is plaguing the country, which is reflected even in the rise in food prices.
“Usually, we deliver books from house to house, but as we are still going through a pandemic, we believe that the possibility of the person carrying out this [distribution] is less risky”, stresses Carol Vallandro, one of the organizers of the Refrigerator of Hope.
In addition to the refrigerator, another action devised by young people to reduce contact with the public was placing letters on balloons scattered around the square. The group wrote motivating messages with a printed QR Code directing the reader to the book in digital format.
“This is a time for a fresh start, when we are called to reconnect with people. The pandemic has distanced us, but now it's time to reinforce meeting the needs of those around us”, says Moisés Vasconcelos, publishing director of the Espírito Santo Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Delivery of Hope
In Eldorado, Serra, volunteers delivered the books through Delivery of Hope. The group spread a phone number to encourage the audience to call. Residents in the region who came into contact received a visit from a young man at their door, holding a book as a gift to the “customer”. In addition, residents who passed in front of the Adventist Church in the Eldorado neighborhood were served breakfast with cake, bread, fruit, juices, and, to complete the menu, a book.
“God is creative, and we are called to develop creative ways to speak of Him and hope,” points out Pastor Eber Nunes, president of the Adventist Church for the region.
This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site