On the Alpe del Nevegal, along the Dolomites mountain range in Italy, at an altitude of about 1,000 meters (approx. 3,300 feet), the National Pathfinders Congress was held from December 7–10, 2023. Themed Avventati (“Bold”), 122 adventurous teenagers, along with staff, had a unique experience, strengthened bonds, built new relationships, and intensified their communion with God.
The special guest was Pastor Luca Faedda, coordinator of Adventist Youth Ministries for the churches in central Italy. His reflections, delivered with passion, eloquence, and emotion, touched the hearts of all attendees. Pastor Faedda discussed the vulnerabilities of some characters in the Bible (Nicodemus, the disciples, Mary Magdalene, and Jesus Christ) and shared his own vulnerabilities, as well as those of others he has known or studied in the past. Despite bad circumstances, human limitations, flaws, and weaknesses, these people, out of love for God and neighbor (i.e., humanity), have ventured boldly to act, transmit, and promote goodness, justice, acceptance, love, friendship, altruism, etc. Songs of praise and group prayers accompanied the beginning and end of the reflections.
There was no shortage of socio-recreational activities: group dynamics, games in the snow, treasure hunts in stages, and family groups (12 groups of boys and girls). In these groups, some activities promoted continued reflecting on the topics Pastor Faedda proposed, such as questions on how to be witnesses for God and bring the Gospel to people, identifying the skills and abilities of some of those who have done good in society. During the spiritual dinner on Friday evening, attendees shared their vulnerabilities, how they have overcome them, and how they live with them. The activity continued on Sabbath afternoon with the "art of the reckless," modeled in paintings and photos.
The National Mag Department thanked all the young people who participated in the congress, proving themselves as they are: BOLD!
To read the original article, please go here.
The original version of this story was posted on the Inter-European Division website.