South American Division

Ministry of Education Recognizes Adventist University of São Paulo's Master's Degree

The result demonstrates the excellence of the educational process at UNASP and its commitment to the mission.

Victor Bernardo, South American Division, and ANN Staff
Graduation ceremony for the undergraduate degree in Theology and the master's degree in Theology.

Graduation ceremony for the undergraduate degree in Theology and the master's degree in Theology.


The Ministry of Education (MEC) in Brazil has approved the opening of the academic master's degree in Theology at the Adventist University Center of São Paulo (UNASP). The process, which was completed on July 16th, verified compliance with the standards required by the federal agency and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel Foundation and validates the course.

The Master of Theology already existed at UNASP and was recognized and valued from a religious point of view by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, it did have full recognition from the MEC, which has now given its approval for the continuation of the course.

For Dr. Vanderlei Dorneles, who coordinates the master’s degree, this approval is a great achievement for UNASP and for the Adventist Church. “This is the institution’s first academic master's degree. It is a social achievement, a theological achievement, and it is for the glory of God,” he celebrates.

The Master's Degree in Theology at UNASP

The general objective is to promote the study of sacred texts, traditions and religious languages ​​of the biblical world in their archaeological, historical, cultural, artistic, literary and linguistic context, as well as their reception, interpretation and application in different traditions and hermeneutical systems in connection with religious practice.

From a methodological point of view, the Master degree in Theology is linked to the Sciences of Religion and Theology. It contributes to the expansion of this area, with lines and research projects on the historical and archaeological context of the sacred texts of the Christian biblical tradition, their interpretation and reception in different traditions and religious confessions throughout history, and their relevance and application today.

Graduates of this course are teachers and researchers qualified in the area of ​​Religious Sciences and Theology. In addition, they are qualified to promote the ethical and existential values ​​of biblical-Christian religious traditions.

Professor Evandro Fávero, coordinator of the Adventist Faculty of Theology, emphasizes the importance of this achievement. “It is a great achievement, because the Faculty of Theology at UNASP is the first in Brazil, a pioneer in this course, and now also a pioneer in the master degree,” he points out.

The Evaluation Process

In order to expand the offer of postgraduate education, UNASP implemented the professional Master in Health Promotion in 2013, and in 2016, the professional Master in Education (MPE).

After that, a group of researchers and professors from the institution was assembled, who were responsible for the conceptual and methodological discussion of the Master's in Theology. Since 2018, the group has worked on the composition and definition of the area of ​​concentration, research lines and projects, and the curriculum. 

After the definitions, the proposal was submitted to Capes in December 2023. “This is the result of the involvement of around 15 professors who worked hard to develop the proposal for the area of ​​concentration, lines of research, research projects, and disciplines. It was a long and detailed discussion of a lot of data for this proposal to be submitted”, explains Dorneles.

Professor Allan Novaes, vice-dean of Research and Institutional Development, also participated in the entire process of submitting and approving the course. He says that one of the main achievements was the evolution of the faculty. 

“We invest in funding for faculty participation in national and international conferences, in strengthening our scientific journal. We invest heavily in [faculty] training, research and intellectual production,” he explains.

After analysis by all competent bodies, the proposal was approved by the committees and the result was announced on July 16, 2024.

Importance of the Master's Degree for the Institution

For an educational institution, it is essential to develop postgraduate programs. UNASP already has two master's degrees, in Education and in Health, which were rated four by Capes on a scale of one to five. However, this is the institution's first academic master's degree, which diversifies and expands the options offered.

Professor Vanderlei Dorneles emphasizes the importance of this achievement and explains that it has an impact on the entire Adventist Church. “This is the fourth church to have an academic master’s degree accredited by Capes. So, its approval means the consolidation of the Adventist Church’s position in Brazil, with a good TV channel, many educational and health institutions, and now with a master’s degree in theology, recognized by the government. This is extremely valuable,” he celebrates.

Fávero also emphasizes that this achievement is relevant for the entire Church. “It is the first master’s degree (in Adventist Theology) recognized by the MEC. In addition to granting this official title to those who will come to do the master’s degree, it also helps those who will need to validate the course in Brazil, for example. It recognizes the seriousness with which the UNASP School of Theology works,” he concludes.

The original article was published on the South American Division Portuguese website.

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