Ministry Brings Hope to Prisoners Thanks to Publication on Creation

Initiative is being funded with a grant from Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries.

United States
Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries and Adventist Review
Creation Illustrated Ministries has produced, printed, and distributed more than 10,000 copies of Creation Illustrated magazine to prisoners thanks to a grant from Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries.

Creation Illustrated Ministries has produced, printed, and distributed more than 10,000 copies of Creation Illustrated magazine to prisoners thanks to a grant from Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries.

(Photo: Creation Illustrated Ministries)

Creation Illustrated Ministries reports the impactful use of the first half of their US$25,000 grant assigned by Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries (ASi). These funds have enabled the production, printing, and distribution of more than 10,000 copies of Creation Illustrated magazine to prisoners, with the potential of touching more than 50,000 lives, including those of inmates’ families, leaders behind the initiative said.

Tom Ish, publisher of Creation Illustrated, expressed his gratitude. “We are happy to report that the first half of the very generous ASi 2023 grant for $25,000 to Creation Illustrated Ministries has been wisely invested in the Lord’s work and returning countless dividends in rescuing prisoners for eternity!” Ish said.

The initiative has seen a warm reception from the prison community. “Creation Illustrated contains colorful nature photos and powerful character-building lessons found in nature, which was Christ’s method of reaching the masses with eternal truths. This publication is cherished, passed around to other inmates, and even given to family members,” Ish explained.

One inmate shared, “Your magazine has given me hope and inspiration in the darkest of times.”

A group of male prisoners show their Creation Illustrated magazines.

A group of male prisoners show their Creation Illustrated magazines.

Photo: Creation Illustrated Ministries

Two female prisoners read their copy of the Creation Illustrated magazine.

Two female prisoners read their copy of the Creation Illustrated magazine.

Photo: Creation Illustrated Ministries

Behind bars, a woman shows her copy of Creation Illustrated magazine.

Behind bars, a woman shows her copy of Creation Illustrated magazine.

Photo: Creation Illustrated Ministries

Seventh-day Adventist Church co-founder Ellen G. White supported these efforts, ministry leaders said. In My Life Today, she wrote, “God has surrounded us with nature’s beautiful scenery to attract and interest the mind … We should associate the glories of nature with His character. If we faithfully study the book of nature, we shall find it a fruitful source for contemplating the infinite love and power of God” (p. 294).

This ASi project is expected to wrap up this year, with ongoing efforts to ensure the magazines reach the intended recipients. Creation Illustrated Ministries underscores the importance of nature in healing the mind, body, and soul, especially for those confined by cement and steel.

“We count it a privilege to work with ASi and its generous supporters to be able to supply this unique material that inspires prisoners to embrace the first angel’s message [found in Revelation 14:6] to worship the Creator of heaven and earth in these last days,” Ish said. The ministry eagerly awaits the second half of the grant to continue their mission without interruption and bring hope to these often-forgotten souls, he said.

Creation Illustrated Ministries leaders said they invite everyone interested in this ministry to subscribe to Creation Illustrated magazine and share subscriptions with friends and family. “By doing so, you help spread the inspiring and healing messages found in nature, touching countless lives in a positive way,” they said.

Creation Illustrated Ministries is an independent supporting ministry and is not operated by the corporate Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The original version of this story was posted on the ASi news site.

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