Inter-European Division

Local Adventist Church in Menorca Holds Health Exhibit

More than 100 people attended the event, which aimed to impact the community physically and spiritually

Charlie Domínguez, Revista Adventista, EUDnews.
Photo: Revista Adventista

Photo: Revista Adventista

On November 17, 2023, the Adventist Church in Menorca, Spain, held a health exhibition on the waterfront of Mahon, the capital of the island. The Town Council of Mahon granted the necessary permissions and provided a large marquee, a power hub, tables, a stage, and chairs for the activity.

The organizing team used the acronym ADELANTE to highlight the eight natural remedies for health: water, rest, exercise, light, sunshine, air, nutrition, temperance, and hope.

Eight information tables were set up for each resource, and there was a table for medical consultations by the doctor invited to the event. During the morning that the exhibit was open, a total of more than 100 people passed through, including children who stayed to see the show of the puppets Xisca, Maika, Toni, and Manu.

Five Days to Quit Smoking

At each table, there were information slips, and attendees were also asked if they wanted to know more. Six people signed up for the five-day quit-smoking plan and gave exhibit coordinators their contact details so they could contact them and start the plan with them. This was a striking way of reaching out to people, especially considering that in Spain, there are many smokers who want to kick the habit.

At the exercise table, volunteers weighed and measured those who requested it and told them their Body Mass Index results. Many people were very satisfied to know they were at a normal level; those who were not asked for some tips on healthy eating and exercise to overcome obesity.

Gifts and Books

Gifts were also given out to those who participated at the information tables. They could take a book or magazine, a magnet with the ADELANTE sticker, a bottle of water, or a balloon with a message of hope.

The community responded quite well to the initiative and asked when the church would be setting up another health exhibit tent. The hope is that all the contacts that were made will continue to be willing to learn and thus become attracted to Jesus.

The health exhibit is part of the evangelistic plan of the Menorca Church to reach out to those living in the city.

The original version of this story was posted on the Inter-European Division website.


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