Professionals from diverse backgrounds shared their unique perspectives on faith with university students and other church members at the “Thinking Faith” event on May 12–13, 2023. Hosted by VicASA, the Victorian Conference’s ministry for university students, presenters and about 140 participants discussed big questions of faith, sustaining and sharing faith, and the difference faith makes.
“It was inspiring to be surrounded by so many bright minds tackling the bigger topics, expanding our views on the way our faith should influence all aspects of our lives, our careers, actions, thoughts and dreams,” reflected Grace Madhuvu, a first-year nursing student at Deakin University.

According to university chaplain Pastor Moe Stiles, a highlight of the event was hearing from the different presenters as they shared from their different disciplines and professions. Presenters included: Dr. Tim Gillespie, lead pastor of Crosswalk Church in Redlands, California, who talked about the philosophy of faith; Joanna Darby, artist and art educator; Dr. Christiana Leimena-Lehn, medical researcher and health director from Sydney; Kelly Jackman, departmental assistant for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministries; and Lesleigh Bower, Perth-based lawyer.
“I most enjoyed meeting intelligent young people intent on having an honest and authentic relationship with Jesus, not just for their own satisfaction and betterment, but which also transforms their vocational life,” said Bower. “I also appreciated Tim’s focus on present truth, which reminded me that God’s ways are still being revealed to His people, such that there is much to learn and look forward to, both individually and corporately.”
While the “Thinking Faith” event was hosted by and for university students, a highlight for Pastor Stiles was the “intergenerational engagement during discussion times, as well as hearing some honest reflections about faith.”

Stiles explained, “The reality is that many of us experience doubt and faith concurrently, and we need the church to be a safe space for questions. Faith is first of all a dynamic experience and journey. Thinking faith can be transformative both for us as individuals as well as the community in which we are engaged.”
University of Melbourne science student Benjamin Pratt expressed his appreciation of this first-time event. “I really enjoyed the conversations our table had, especially when we went a little off-script and talked more around the ideas presented,” he reflected. “The speakers were excellent, especially Christiana, who linked health and faith wonderfully with an analysis of ‘common sense.’ I am keen for more fun events like this in the future.”
The original version of this story was posted on the Adventist Record website.