Euro-Asia Division

Hope TV in Russia Celebrates 20 Years of Broadcasting

For 20 years of ministry, the channel has expanded the boundaries of its influence to the most remote territories, preaching the Gospel in different languages.


Roman Marinin
Photo: Euro Asia

Photo: Euro Asia

The message of salvation reaches the most remote corners of the planet thanks to consecrated people who use the possibilities of modern communication technologies.

The success of Hope TV is difficult to assess because only the Lord knows how many people have been converted thanks to the sermons from the studio. Speaking in front of a camera, you don't know how many people are watching or listening to one’s message and how they will react to it.

Photo: Euro Asia
Photo: Euro Asia

The Seventh-day Adventist Church preaches the message of salvation throughout the world, which is why there are 80 branches of the Hope TV channel today. For 20 years of ministry, the channel has expanded the boundaries of its influence to the most remote territories, preaching the Gospel in different languages. Representatives of the TV channel from different countries share their experience of ministry, having gathered at a meeting in Johannesburg. The variety of working methods is amazing. Every country and culture has its own characteristics that make ministry unique and unrepeatable.

The leadership of Hope TV presented a ministry strategy, according to which the philosophy of work is the preaching of the Gospel, and the main viewers should be people who do not know about Jesus.

Pray for this meeting, that the Lord will inspire all participants through the Holy Spirit to rededicate themselves to ministry through television.

The original version of this story was posted on the Euro-Asia Division Russian-language news site.


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