When Enikő Szöllősi, the GLOW (Giving Light to Our World) European coordinator, began this literature ministry, little did she expect it to take off in the way it has across the Trans-European Division (TED). GLOW, a supporting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church dedicated to sharing Christ through tracts, is impacting lives across the TED. Below are two of the most recent inspiring stories:
GLOW Hungary
Peter, a member of the Tata (Hungary) Church, loves trekking, running, and hiking in nature. After he participated in a GLOW Sabbath at his local church, he was inspired to combine his love for exercise in nature with GLOW. Thus Peter started a “GLOW Hike,” which provides five different routes in which people can participate, ranging from 3–35 kilometers.
At the starting point, church members welcome everyone and help with registration. During the walk, stations are placed where refreshments and stamps are provided. When finishing, everyone who completes a given route receives a certificate, a pin, and GLOW tracts. After receiving these items, all are welcomed for a healthy sandwich and tea, which gives the opportunity to have great talks and fellowship. There is a crafts opportunity for children, too.
GLOW Hike is a great combination of health and mission (hiking, vegan sandwiches, tea, and apples). Representatives of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Hungary, present at the hike, provided a CPR training program and GLOW tracts. As hikers arrived at their refreshment stations, church members took the opportunity to have great talks with the participants. With these five routes from which to choose, it is a great way to engage families and children—even little children.
Last year, there were 459 registered participants. This year, despite the mud and rain, approximately 140 people returned to hike, receiving much positive feedback. The Tata Church organized the event and is also having a “Hike with the organizers of the GLOW walk” event in June. When they are not just helping at stations, walking together with the participants creates opportunities to build friendships even more.
Watch this homemade video to get a feel for the GLOW walk.
GLOW Ireland
“The second GLOW story comes from the Dublin soup kitchen,” reports Szöllősi.
“Recently, I received a voice message from a friend of mine, telling the story of the man who thanked them for saving his life through receiving this GLOW tract (“Help for Loneliness”). The man was determined that this would be his last meal, but something changed,” shared Szöllősi.

On Saturday night, the May 6, 2023, GLOW tracts were distributed in Ireland at the Dublin Adventist Community Services soup kitchen. Shane, an Irish church member, shares this inspiring story:
“We had different tracts with us, one of them was ‘Help for Loneliness.’ Almost everyone took not just a meal but a tract as well. It was great to see the impact on the people. Along the queue, an Irish homeless person came in. We spoke with him and gave him a tract. He took the loneliness tract, and you could see he was very touched. I started talking with another person, but suddenly, this guy appeared again. He grabbed my hand and he said, ‘I want to thank you guys for saving my life here, for giving me this leaflet. Something happened to me tonight. I want you to know I had determined to make this my last supper. This was going to be my last meal. I was going to end it all here tonight. But something has changed through receiving this tract.’
“We praise God for all that He does! All glory and honor goes to Jesus, our Savior,” says Szöllősi.
GLOW tracts can be used in many different ways. Thank God for the ministry of GLOW in both Hungary and Ireland, which shows how church members can unite in outreach using their talents and interests.
The original version of this story was posted by the Trans-European Division website.