South Pacific Division

ELIA Lifestyle Medicine Centre Expands Access to Rural Communities in New South Wales, Transforming Diabetes Care

According to research, 28% of Australians in rural areas face greater health challenges.

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Tracey Bridcutt, Adventist Record, and ANN
ELIA Lifestyle Medicine Centre Expands Access to Rural Communities in New South Wales, Transforming Diabetes Care

[Photo: Unsplash]

The ELIA Lifestyle Medicine Centre, based at Sydney Adventist Hospital, has extended its services to those living in rural communities in New South Wales, Australia.

Centre Medical Director Dr. Andrea Matthews highlighted the importance of accessible health services for rural residents.

“Access to health services is a major issue complicated by barriers of distance, infrastructure, lack of resources and funding,” she said.

“One of the positive outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the introduction of more accessible telehealth services, providing specialized care for patients and helping take the pressure off local clinicians.”

Bob*, a rural resident, discovered the ELIA Lifestyle Medicine Centre through a brochure titled “Looking for new ways to treat diabetes?”. He found the brochure on his mother’s meal tray while she was a patient at Sydney Adventist Hospital. Having been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years earlier, Bob was frustrated with the cycle of adding more medications and managing additional health complications.

At ELIA, Bob experienced a refreshing approach to health care. “I had been to see other specialists and dietitians before, but they just wanted you out the door,” he said. “Here, it was the first time I felt heard, and what they were saying made sense. I knew I could give it a go.”

After an initial visit to the clinic at Sydney Adventist Hospital, where he received assessments and an individualized plan, Bob was able to access telehealth services upon returning home. By embracing more whole foods, increasing plant-based proteins, cutting out processed foods and takeaways, and incorporating more movement in his day, Bob began his journey to better health. He continues to visit the clinic every few weeks as part of the ELIA 12-week Diabetes Clinical Program, which leaves him feeling “inspired, empowered, and supported.”

The ELIA Lifestyle Medicine Centre provides both individual appointments and 12-week clinical programs:

  • The ELIA 12-week Diabetes Clinical Program caters for those with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes and anyone with a strong family history of diabetes interested in preventing it;

  • The ELIA 12-week Breast Cancer Clinical Program is for those patients diagnosed or at high risk of breast cancer.

“We are seeing a growing demand for our wholistic approach to prevent, treat and in some cases, remit chronic disease outside Sydney and as far as Queensland, as patients are seeking a team of lifestyle medicine experts who will journey with them to make positive behavioral changes to achieve their health goals,” said ELIA Wellness Executive Director Dr. Geraldine Przybylko.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 28 percent or 7 million people live in rural and remote communities of Australia, where health outcomes are often poorer compared to their city counterparts.

 *Name changed to protect identity.

The original article was published on the South Pacific Division news site, Adventist Record.

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