A heart-warming intergenerational ceremony took place on July 8, 2023, in Scotland. Albert, a wise 81-year-old man, and Caleb, a 16-year-old adolescent, came together to publicly demonstrate their faith in Jesus Christ through baptism.
As family, friends, and fellow worshippers from Inverness gathered together to witness the occasion, Albert Read and Caleb Sullivan were immersed into the waters, signifying their wholehearted commitment to the Christian faith, and began a new chapter on their spiritual journey. Their dual baptism became a joy-filled celebration of faith and unity, a testament to the fact that no matter anyone’s age or background, there is unity in Christ.

For Albert, the long road to publicly declaring his commitment to Christ had involved decades of searching. At 81, his unwavering faith proved that age is no barrier to spiritual growth and the pursuit of a deeper connection with God never ends.
Caleb, at just 16, stood as a beacon of hope for today’s youth. His decision to follow Christ and get baptized demonstrated remarkable maturity and an openness to align himself to the Savior.
The baptismal service was inspiring, full of joy, and brought the church family together. Members and friends alike offered support and encouragement, affirming the belief that a shared faith can create a strong bond among people from all walks of life.
Pastor Wilfred Masih, from the Inverness group, led the service and praised Albert and Caleb’s commitment to spiritual growth and their bravery in publicly declaring their faith. “The baptism of Albert and Caleb is a poignant reminder that the Christian faith is all-encompassing, embracing individuals of all ages and backgrounds,” said Masih. “It exemplifies that the journey of faith is not confined to a specific stage of life but rather a lifelong odyssey of exploration, discovery, and renewal.”
Albert and Caleb will worship with the growing Inverness group, the most northerly community of Adventists in the Scottish Mission and the British Union Conference. “Special thanks to pastor Weiers Coetser and the Aberdeen Church for kindly hosting the baptismal service,” Masih concluded.
Masih’s message of thanks should not go unnoticed. Aberdeen Church is the neighboring Adventist church to Inverness, 103 miles west thereof. It is blessed with a baptistry—evidence enough, if required, of what it takes to remain faithful to the Lord in this part of the world.
The original version of this story was posted on the Trans-European Division website.