Southern Asia-Pacific Division

Children's Evangelistic Series Records Over 1,100 Baptisms in the Philippines

In 2023, Kids for Jesus successfully launched, welcoming 1,089 new members to the Adventist Church.

Roxie Pido, with ANN Staff
Over 1,100 newly baptized members received their own Bibles as Kids for Jesus Season 2 reached its powerful climax with a baptism ceremony.

Over 1,100 newly baptized members received their own Bibles as Kids for Jesus Season 2 reached its powerful climax with a baptism ceremony.

Photo: SwPUC Communication Department

Spreading the gospel is a mandate not just for adults—it's a mission embraced by children too. This is what the Adventist Education Department in the South Philippines has prioritized, recognizing the importance of engaging the next generation from a young age.
From April 14 to April 20, 2024, the evangelistic meeting "Kids for Jesus Season 2" brought together 106 elementary schools from two distinct Adventist entities. Among them, 64 schools represented the Southwestern Philippine Union Conference (SwPUC), while the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) contributed 42 schools to the meeting. This effort, coordinated by the Education Department of the former South Philippine Union Conference (SPUC), drew a strong response and resulted in noteworthy baptisms. A total of 1,153 students, parents, and other participants have embraced their newfound faith, testifying to its profound impact on their spiritual lives.
The program included a week-long blend of on-campus evangelism and public outreach efforts, culminating in the baptism of hundreds who were moved by the powerful messages shared. Each night, speakers from nursery to grade 6 took the stage to deliver inspiring sermons, captivating their audience and igniting a passion for faith.
Parents laud the program for transforming their children and families. They express astonishment as children develop preaching, hosting, singing, and other skills. Observing a notable transformation, children become more prayerful and embrace religious songs with newfound zeal.
The influence of the students extended beyond the school gates, drawing their parents closer to spiritual enlightenment. Other guest parents expressed their gratitude for the school's rare opportunity to empower children to speak and share their faith during the testimony hour at Golden Boulevard Adventist Elementary School. Many parents, moved by their children's testimonies, expressed their commitment to Adventist education, recognizing it as a unique environment where spiritual growth flourishes.
Dr. Bienvenido Mergal, director of the Education Department in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, received encouraging updates on the collaborative efforts of schools, children, and parents toward the endeavor's success. "Adventist education shines in its commitment to nurturing not only intellectual but also spiritual growth in our children," remarked Dr. Mergal. "We deeply value our children's contributions, providing them with a deeper understanding of God's mission from a young age," he emphasized.
A parent and her daughter started their journey towards baptism last year. To make Adventist education more accessible, they decided to relocate closer to the school. The impact of Kids for Jesus Season 2, which touched the lives of the students, the parents, and the entire community, influenced this decision.
The pupils' excitement was palpable, as they showed unwavering eagerness to participate in the program night after night. Leaders observed that their dedication to the cause, coupled with the support of their families and educators, exemplifies the spirit of Kids for Jesus and the enduring legacy of Adventist education. The culmination of the program included a special coverage of the simultaneous baptism on April 20 via Hope Channel South Philippines.
Last year, Kids for Jesus launched successfully, welcoming 1,089 new members of the Adventist Church. The initiative anticipates future opportunities to train and equip students to understand the Bible and share its embedded truths.

The original article was published on the Southwestern Philippine Union Conference news site.

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