On March 30, 2023, Congressman Juan Bartolomé Burgos presented Bill No. 4610/2023- CR, which establishes Saturday as a compensable non-working day in Peru in favor of public and private workers who profess a religion that establishes such day as a day of rest to be observed.
In this regard, Burgos highlighted that Congress creates numerous bills in favor of workers and believers also require a law that safeguards their institutional rights to have freedom of creed and religion and protection from discrimination. "Through time, I knew cases of people who were not allowed to keep the Sabbath and had to lose their jobs and/or resign because of their faithfulness," he pointed out.
"This is how we put in prayer this proposed law and the work of the legislator who promotes the enactment of this norm, which is protected in our Magna Carta, that is to say, our Constitution. Therefore, it must be strictly enforced," said Edgardo Muguerza, director of Religious Liberty and Public Affairs for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in northern Peru.
On the other hand, the congressman, through the link Present Your Opinion, calls on Peruvians to comment in favor of this bill.

The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Spanish-language news site.