Abigail Rous Gómez Cuevas, age 42, a teacher in Special Education, was away from God for more than 20 years. Her parents took her to the Seventh-day Adventist church when she was a child, where she enjoyed the activities and learned great teachings and principles. However, in her youth, she moved away from God.
In 2020, when the pandemic arrived, Abigail’s parents, clinging to the Lord and committed to their church, prayed always for the return of their daughter to the ways of God. In March 2021, her mother, Maria Cuevas, 63, became very ill from COVID-19 and died. Some time later, on July 16, 2021, her father, Nail Gomez, 79, a merchant, sailor, and man of faith, also became infected and died. Eight months later, Abigail’s sister Daphne, 39, unable to bear this situation, having lost her parents, committed suicide at home.
All these events caused Abigail to move further away from God. She stopped believing in the Savior and joined sects to practice occultism. Her parents had given her a Bible, and she threw it away when her sister Daphne died because she no longer wanted to know anything about God.
How Did God Come Back into Her Life?

During the month of April 2023, the "Holy Week" campaign took place, and in the Central Adventist Church in Los Ángeles, Chile, this special programming was also taking place. Abigail's children, Matías Matus (16), Valentina Cheguan (14), and Emilia Cheguan (9), who actively participate in the Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs, always prayed for their mommy and insistently invited her to the special week that was taking place, with the pretext that they would have a special participation as a club.

Finally, Abigail was encouraged to attend the church, but she never imagined the message delivered by Pastor Michael Mercado, of the TV network Nuevo Tiempo Chile, would deeply touch her heart. She attended every night, and her heart was moved by the Holy Spirit with every message. She was received with so much love by her church, which had not seen her for 20 years. They embraced her, she accepted visitation, and with tears in her eyes, she expressed her desire to be forgiven by the Lord and return to His ways.

Thus, on Sabbath, April 8, Abigail gave her life to Jesus through baptism—a woman who came out of the darkness and returned to admire the light of Jesus.

Jesus overcame so that Abigail's life was restored, forgiven, and loved completely. Today, she is happy and feels peace in her life. It is a joy for her to be part of God's family. She is certain that she will see her parents again when Christ returns because “the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, KJV). Today, Abigail is a new creature in the Lord.