Euro-Asia Division

Adventists in the Euro-Asia Division Return to the Altar


Euro-Asia Division Information Department

From February 13 to 17, 2024, a training conference entitled “Return to the Altar” was held in Zaoksky, Russia as part of an initiative proposed by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. This event was organized by the Euro-Asia Division (ESD) Prayer Ministry in collaboration with the ESD Pastors' Association, the Pastor's Wife Association, and the ESD Family Ministries Department.

This meeting was attended by the secretaries of the Pastoral Association and the coordinators of the Prayer Ministry of the ESD unions, conferences, and missions, among others. In total more than 60 people joined.

The Return to the Altar initiative is aimed primarily at awakening interest in personal, family, and church spiritual revival, in restoring one's personal relationship with God, reviving interest in prayer, reading the Word of God, and involvement in missions. This initiative is designed to promote the restoration of broken family altars, the revival of prayer ministry at a worthy level in our local communities, and through deep exploration of God's Word and one's heart, lead to revival and involvement in mission.

Special subjects were taught, there were practical classes, there were discussion groups, there was a lot of prayer, there was highly spiritual singing, and the real presence of the Holy Spirit was felt at this event. All this inspired the meeting participants and created a special mood of learning, involvement and dedication within the walls of Zaoksk Adventist University.

This event ended with a solemn call to the entire church, broadcast during the Saturday service on February 17, 2024. Attendees were invited to restore the altars in their homes.

The original article was published on the Euro-Asia Division news site.

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