South American Division

Adventist Students Take a Mission Trip to Brazilian Coast

The project included health fairs, summer camps, revitalizations, evangelism and garbage collection on Tamandaré beach, in Pernambuco.

Rebbeca Ricarte, South American Division, and ANN Staff
Natália Mangueira gathered the resources to cover the cost of participating in the Mission Trip.

Natália Mangueira gathered the resources to cover the cost of participating in the Mission Trip.

[Photo: Arthur Cavalcante]

The last week of July 2024 marked the end of the holidays specially for 96 Adventist students from Northeastern Brazil and Chile. The group gathered for a Mission Trip on Tamandaré beach, on the coast of Pernambuco, Brazil, with the objective of carrying out social, environmental, and evangelistic projects for the benefit of the region. Among the services offered, the participants promoted life and health fairs, revitalizations, garbage collection on the beach, summer camps, and spiritual programs.

The participating students are members of the Mission Agencies of the Adventist College of Caruaru, the Adventist Institute of Pernambuco (IAPE), and Chile. According to Arturo Betancourt, the mission coordinator and vice-director of the Adventist Volunteer Service for the Northeastern Brazil region, choosing city of Tamandaré was due to several factors. "This is a touristic region with marine attractions. At the same time, it has a very needy population that needs help. Our goal here is not just this one-off moment, but to continue and sponsor this city," he commented.

Siblings from Paraíba, Natália, 17, and Gustavo Mangueira, 15, study at IAPE and were part of the group. "I planned ahead, saved up money, and signed up to participate. Of course, my brother wanted to come too. It was an incredible experience! I love everything related to mission, and being able to contribute here was wonderful! This is not work, it is service," said Natália.

Gustavo arrived in Tamandaré with high expectations. "My parents work for the church and taught us that. I came here thinking about living the mission in everything that was necessary. I sleep at home, I leave going out for another time. I came to do whatever it takes," the teenager emphasized. For the students' mother, Mara Trajano, seeing the mission photos evokes a feeling of gratitude. "They loved everything, they were very happy. Our hearts were grateful to see them following and serving. One day, it was us organizing these actions; today, they are following this legacy," she emphasized.

Students contribute to health fairs during mission trip.
Students contribute to health fairs during mission trip.

One of the representatives from Chile who came on the Mission Trip was Naila Landaeta, 16. According to Landaeta, her initial expectation was to get to know a new country and make new friends, but the mission went much further. "The world is always full of fun things that can do us good for a while, but they are not eternal things. Here, living the mission, I see what it means to prepare for eternity. This really fills the heart. Sharing Jesus makes me complete. I understand that I have a true friend always with me," she confessed.

In addition to teachers and staff, parents and professionals also volunteered to participate in the mission. Cardiologist Fábio Malta volunteered to provide medical care. "There were about 160 consultations performed. And how this population needed this! The mission gives us the satisfaction of helping others, and doing this together with our family is wonderful," he said.

Intentional Discipleship

One of the goals of missions is to be able to show new perspectives and realities, bringing a different view of everyday life and adding culture and empathy. According to the director of Adventist Education for the Northeastern states in Brazil, Henilson Erthal, the promotion of these activities by the school only favors the integral development of the students. "Adventist Education emphasizes mission agencies, which train and send our students to experience moments like these! We had 96 participants in the Tamandaré mission, which involved the Adventist College of Caruaru, the Adventist Institute of Pernambuco of Education, and the Adventist Education network of Chile. As an institution, we clearly see that serving others and presenting Jesus to the world is the most precious lesson that our students can take from school for the rest of their lives," he concluded.

The Tamandaré Mission had 96 volunteers.
The Tamandaré Mission had 96 volunteers.

The original article was published on the South American Division Portuguese website.

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