Inter-American Division

Adventist Singles National Meeting in Spain

This ministry seeks to affirm, encourage, and uplift singles in their walk with God and others.


Belen Bolea, Andreas Mazza, EUD News
(Photo: Revista Adventista)

(Photo: Revista Adventista)

On the last weekend of March 2023, the first spiritual meeting with the new national singles management team was held at the Multi Activity Centre (CAM) of Entrepeñas, Spain, under the motto "You have heard that it was said … But I say to you."

Under this motto, Pastor Óscar López, president of the Spanish Union, came to the CAM of Entrepeñas to inaugurate the first meeting of the year and the first national meeting of the new team.

López wanted to accompany participants in the search for what is essential in their lives, as opposed to what is important because “it was said.” “There are aspects of the Christian life that can be pure habits or prejudices, or preconceptions, that make us wander in deserts to which we have not been called,” commented López. “Or there may be aspects of the Christian life that may be very important and very appropriate, but we may have the wrong attitude. That is why Jesus adds to the ‘You have heard that it was said’ the ‘but I say to you,’ which invites us to something more: to break chains of slavery, to free ourselves from evil, to be light.… In short, to be a reflection of what He is,” concluded Lopez.

The spiritual meeting of singles—the so-called “lonely ones”—leads participants to the conviction that they are not alone, they are a family that loves and longs for each other, and although they do not see each other for a whole year, they “know of their yearly spiritual appointment” in Entrepeñas.

The New Management Team

It needs to be emphasized that, this time, participants had the pleasure of meeting the new leaders: "Pimpi," Lara, Sara, Nahikari, Josemi, and Andrés—a team that, like the previous one, cares about this singles family.

The new leaders work to make everybody feel at ease and reassure them about the future of this little-known but indispensable ministry.

The new team prepared the whole program and set up a couple of corners to highlight specific aspects: the corner of the stones, on which participants could express their creativity or deepest longings; through watercolor paintings, as a result of the meditations transmitted throughout the days; and the prayer corner, arranged with all the details for recollection and to be alone with the Lord.

Evenings and Outings

There was wonderful weather, so participants were able to get to know all the land belonging to the camp. The land was enlarged thanks to a generous donation from the company whose property surrounded the CAM grounds, seeing the good work this ministry is conducting for children and young people. Someone gave participants a guided tour and explained the origins of and the donation made to the camp.

On Saturday evening, the singles management team prepared an evening led by therapist Loida Burgos, who introduced participants to the complex world of emotions. Afterwards, to get their bodies moving, they prepared some games to let off some stress, laugh, and get to know each other a little better.

Next Events

During the Sunday program, participants were informed of the events for this summer, either beach-based or mountain-based to suit the consumer. In addition, a tour to the Pyrenees, where excursions with two levels of difficulty will be prepared.

In short, the Entrepeñas meeting, as usual, did not disappoint anyone because it is always surrounded by the bond of love.

The original version of this story was posted on the Inter-European Division website.

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