In the world of movies and series, there is a subgenre within science fiction curiously called “post-apocalyptic.” These are those productions characterized by storylines that usually take place in environments or worlds after a nuclear war, plague, or environmental disaster.
Interestingly, some data shows that these kinds of movies and series have been breaking audience records. According to data provided by Nielsen, the post-apocalyptic series The Last of Us, for example, had a 22 percent jump in viewership from the first episode and was watched by 5.7 million viewers. The first episode was seen by 4.7 million viewers, a number that jumped to 10 million after two days of availability on streaming platforms.

Christian Universe
With an eye on teenagers and young people, who usually consume this kind of material, the Adventist Christian platform Feliz 7 Play launched the fourth season of the series 23:59 Até o último minuto on March 31, 2023, at 7 p.m. This is the drama of three childhood friends, Lucas, Thiago, and Bela. They have followed different paths, made big life decisions, and moved on with their lives. However, they are faced with the proximity of Jesus' return and all the context surrounding this moment.
The new season will depict, from concepts present in the Holy Bible (books such as Revelation), a time of persecution against God's faithful in the last days of this world. According to the synopsis of the series, "the persecution reaches extreme levels as the PMO intensifies its efforts to implement its changes. Loyalty to the characters is challenged in the face of the increasingly powerful forces they face. With the final battle approaching, the characters must decide which side to stand on, and the stakes have never been higher."
Carlos Magalhães, manager of Digital Strategies with the South American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, explains that the series deals, above all, with the choices people make along their spiritual journeys: "We seek to present to new generations, in their language, a production capable of helping them understand, from a biblical perspective, the future of humanity and the hope that exists in Jesus' return."
The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Portuguese-language news site.