South American Division

Adventist Restaurant Distributes Clothing, Food, and Hope in Central Chilean City

Infusion Hope, a restaurant and veggie spot in Temuco, Chile, has organized a new solidarity initiative to get closer to and help the local community.

Nicolas Acosta, South American Division, and ANN Staff
Infusion Hope team preparing food.

Infusion Hope team preparing food.

(Photo: Infusion Hope)

In a show of commitment to the community and passion for serving others, Infusion Hope, the restaurant and veggie spot in the city of Temuco, capital of the Araucanía region, located in the southern part of Chile, has organized a new solidarity initiative.

For a long time, Infusion Hope has already been working closely with the community, offering culinary workshops and sharing knowledge about vegan and healthy eating. And now, they have decided to expand their efforts and provide help to those who need it most.

A New Instance to Help

Plates of lentils and rice for distribution to homeless people.
Plates of lentils and rice for distribution to homeless people.

In its winter campaign, the restaurant sought to help the community by mobilizing to deliver food, clothing, and hygiene kits at strategic points in Temuco, such as Plaza Dagoberto Godoy, Feria Pinto, and the Regional Hospital.

Personal hygiene items to put together the shared hygiene kits.
Personal hygiene items to put together the shared hygiene kits.

The motivation behind this initiative is Infusion Hope's desire to be in direct contact with the community and provide support to cope with the season's inclement weather, providing food, shelter, and hope.

This team is driven by their faith in Christ and their desire to serve others. They embraced the idea of launching a campaign to collect clothing and winter items and distribute them in places where help is needed.

Infusion Hope team happily participating in the initiative.
Infusion Hope team happily participating in the initiative.

It feels super enriching because people always need our help because it is part of our job to participate in social activities. We also want to do a blood donation campaign every semester, visit homes for children and the elderly, and close the year with a campaign with homeless people,” says Danitza Yañez, a member of the Infusion Hope team.

Operation in Dagoberto Godoy Square.
Operation in Dagoberto Godoy Square.

The campaign has gained momentum through social media, where Infusion Hope has shared its mission and received support from the community. They have also expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to help and shared their vision for more social activities in the future.

Sharing with the people in the square.
Sharing with the people in the square.

Infusion Hope is a non-profit restaurant of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which aims to inspire and teach others to lead a healthier lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of good nutrition to maintain a connection with God, enjoy life and share hope.

Team of Pathfinders present at the Infusion Hope charity initiative.
Team of Pathfinders present at the Infusion Hope charity initiative.

With enthusiasm and love for the mission, Infusion Hope continues to mobilize in the community, seeking to share the love of Christ through charitable actions.

The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish website.

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