Euro-Asia Division

Adventist Pastor Attends Anti-terrorism Solidarity Day Event


Information Department of the Ural Association
[Photo Courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]

[Photo Courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]

September 3 is a day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism in Russia. This memorable date is associated with the terrorist attack in Beslan, which took place in 2004. Then, on September 1, during the solemn assembly, the terrorists took more than 1,000 hostages (schoolchildren, their relatives, and teachers) in Beslan school No. 1. On the third day, the school was taken by storm. 

In total, according to official sources, 334 people died, including 186 children. In Orenburg, as in many other cities in Russia, they once again remembered those terrible attacks. The event was opened by Igor Nikolayevich Sukharev, vice-governor and deputy chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region for Internal Policy and minister of Regional and Information Policy of the Orenburg Region. The participants honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence, laying flowers at the memorial in remembrance of the police officers.

Pastor Pavel Mormin is a member of the Council for Ethnic Affairs and Interaction with Religious Associations under the Governor of the Orenburg Region. The governor and the Government of the Orenburg Region maintain interfaith and interethnic dialogue to ensure peace and harmony in society through the work of the council. Pastor Mormin's ministry is a good example of a healthy dialogue between the Adventist Church and the community.

This article was originally published on the Euro-Asia Division’s news site

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