South American Division

Adventist Education Leads Over 300 Students to Baptism in Peru

Currently, 76% of the student population in Adventist schools in Peru is Adventist.

Thais Suarez
Students hug a classmate who decided to get baptized. (Photo: North Peru Adventist Education)

Students hug a classmate who decided to get baptized. (Photo: North Peru Adventist Education)

In recent years, statistics show that the number of students in the 28 Adventist schools in northern Peru has increased. They have 11,775 students, where 76 percent of the student population is Adventist and 24 percent is non-Adventist.

Edgardo Muguerza, director of Education for the North Peru Union Mission, emphasizes that every student enrolled is an opportunity for salvation. "Our Adventist schools are churches dressed as institutions, a divine oasis that God has raised on earth to rescue and save the new generations and prepare them for the second coming of Christ," he says.

Pastor Josué Quispe with a student and his family from the "John Andrews" Adventist College in the city of Cajamarca. (Photo: North Peru Adventist Education)
Pastor Josué Quispe with a student and his family from the "John Andrews" Adventist College in the city of Cajamarca. (Photo: North Peru Adventist Education)

Annually, students participate in four spiritual activities. In the first semester, they participated in Holy Week and a Week of Prayer, themed "A Message for You," ending with the baptism of 308 students. Families attended to be part of this ceremony and expressed their desire to study the Bible.

Similarly, another Week of Prayer and a complete integrated camp will be held at the end of the semester for the kindergarten, elementary, and high school levels. During these days of spiritual emphasis, students discover their gifts and talents (singing, acting, and public speaking, among others) and teachings from the Word of God.

Each Adventist school has chaplains and teachers committed to guiding the spiritual life of the students. (Photo: North Peru Adventist Education)
Each Adventist school has chaplains and teachers committed to guiding the spiritual life of the students. (Photo: North Peru Adventist Education)

Currently, the percentage of non-Adventists highlight the comprehensive education provided by Adventist schools, forming future generations under Christian principles and values and preparing them not only for this life but also for eternity.

The original version of this story was posted on the South America Division Spanish-language news site.

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